King's Business - 1956-01

And of hell, Charles Fillmore said: “Hell is a figure of speech which represents a corrective state of mind. When error has reached its limit, the retroactive law asserts it­ self, and judgment . . . brings the penalty upon the transgressor . . . This purifying process is the penal­ ty taught by Jesus — the judgment passed upon sinners — the fire of hell. When it is received in the right spirit this fire bums up the dross in character and purifies mind and body” {Christian Healing, pp. 112,113). ^ his is wholly false. The Lord Jesus spoke of hell as a literal place of torture: . . hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:43,44).

Christ” (pp. 65-99, portions). This then is the way Unity at­ tains eternal life, the purifying process going on after death through reincarnations. If more people were aware of this logical and ultimate conclusion of their teaching that immortality of the body can be attained on earth, surely they would turn away in horror from this im­ ported heresy. Heaven, Hell and Satan Naturally Unity has no need of heaven: “ The place that Jesus went to prepare is here . . . in the mind” {What Practiced Christianity Stands For, p. 11). “ It is popularly taught that Elijah is a saint in heaven, but this cannot be true because . . . he appeared again in the earth as John the Baptist. Neither did John get into heaven” {Teach Us to Pray, p. 72).

But Fillmore stated: “ There is no warrant for the belief that God sends men to everlasting punish­ ment” {Christian Healing, p. 114). No wonder he embraced such terrible lies of Satan as reincarna­ tion and salvation by one’s own works when he so definitely reject­ ed the clear teaching of Christ! As for Satan, Unity “ There is no evil or devil” {Lessons in Truth, p. 38). These very words appear in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Eddy. The Trinity and the Holy Spirit Fillmore made this statement in regard to the Trinity: “ The first chapter [of Genesis] shows two parts of the Trinity: mind and idea in mind. In the second chapter we have the third part, manifestation. In this illustration all theological mystery about the Trinity is cleared away, for we see that it is simply mind, idea in mind, and manifes­ tation of idea” (p. 12). Nothing could make clearer Uni­ ty’s utter rejection of a personal God. This statement reduces God to nothing at all. Unity has no God, no Saviour, no heaven—but there is a hell waiting for those who re­ ject the Lamb of God, Who taketh away the sin of the world. The Holy Spirit is defined as “ The very spirit of truth lying la­ tent within us, each and every one” {Lessons in Truth, p. 8). But Jesus said of the Holy Spir­ it: “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged” (John 16:8-11). As I close this study with an aching heart, it is my prayer that He may use every word to enlight­ en and deliver those who are cap­ tives of the Satanic cult of Unity. END.

our new features Last month those of you who have anything to do with teaching youngsters probably noted the change in our Object Lesson subject matter. W e ’re now going book- by-book right through the Bible and that means you can save the copies to have handy reference material for any part of the Bible you may be teaching. Now this month we have something new every reader can make use of. This new feature is a book-by-book Bible study series by Dr. Chester Padgett, longtime a popular writer for The King’s Business. This new Bible study series starts this month on page 36. W e ’ve asked Dr. Padgett to design this new study so that it can be used by the individual at home or for group Bible study in the church and the home. For the Chris­ tian Bible study is no option. Repeatedly throughout Scripture we are told to study the Word. W e believe this new series can help you obey our Saviour’s command. W e ’ll appreciate your letting us know how the Lord blesses through this new Bible study. J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 6


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