King's Business - 1956-01

The Return of the Lord By Dr. John F. Walvoord The

Galatians — The Grace-Way of Life By Dr. William G. Coltman An excellent work for all looking for s p iritu a l riches. Abundant sermon material for pas­ to rs. Stimulating and fruitful expo­ sition for earnest stu den ts of/ the Word. The author is pastor for 40 years of Highland Park B a p tist Church. Price $1.75 Where Life Begins — Romans

Next to the Bible! SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY By Dr. Lewis S. Chafer

premillennial viewpoint of Bible prophecy — a com- p re h e n siv e study. Future events are outlined ; vital ques­ tions are considered. T h e b o o k clo s e s with the answer to the question "Can W e Have Peace in Our Time.” Price $2.50 A word-by-word anal­ ysis. A commentary worthy of the name. Nothing is skipped. Full of devotional and homiletic mater­ ial. I llu s tra tio n s abound. A book you shouldn’t miss. 436 pages. Price $4.45



The Epistle of James By Joe Nieboer

Dr. Roy Laurin S ta rtin g w ith the E p istle to th e R o­ mans, D r. Lau rin shows that the Apos­ tle Paul is not un­ fa m ilia r w ith the truths of the Gospel that Life cannot begin without Christ dwell­ ing within. You will read it w ith great interest. 529 pages. $4.00

These eight volumes present the whole scope of conservative, evangelical Chris­ tian doctrine. 2700 pages. Premillennial, dispensational, creative, original, a the­ saurus of sermonic material. W ell indexed and indispensable in any library. A life­ time of work tested, tempered and tried by 24 years of classroom application. Covers every aspect of theology. 8 vol. Price $33.95 Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews By Dr. E. Schuyler English Here the Lord is seen in His exalted high priestly ministry on behalf of His blood- purchased people. This is a verse-by-verse commentary. Consideration is given to the problem passages. O f inestimable help to earnest searchers of this familiar and precious portion of Holy Writ. 536 pages. Price $5.95

Addresses on Prophecy By Dr. C. I. Scofield

A u th o r o f the famed S co field R eferen ce Bible Notes, and a great student of proph­ ecy and of God’s program for the ages. This book should be in every li­ brary. 159 pages. Price $2.00

Premillennialism or Amillennialism Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

"Come quickly Lord Jesus,” the cry of the Evangelist ech­ oes in the hearts of earn est Christians. M o re than ever there is a seeking for a sound under­ sta n d in g o f the events predicted for the last days in which so many be­ lieve we are living. A scholarly yet fas­ cinating summary of

By C .l. Scofield

Bible Questions Answered By Dr. William L. Pettingill

This enlarged edition is Dr. Pettin- gill’s current "best seller.” It presents a vast accumulation of questions and answers on Bible subjects, gathered in part from the author’s personal corre­ spondence files and in part from his editorial work. 559 pages, indexed b oth topically v . | Price $4.00 L> y. ‘i

God’s program for the end time. Miracles of Science By Dr. Arthur I. Brown


In 39 succinct fascinating talks, Dr. Brown shows some of the absurdities of the e v o l u t i o n a r y theory and many of the riches of Bible truths. This recog­ nized authority was noted for his gift of accumulat­ ing s c i e n t i f i c data and squaring it with God’s creative plan. Price $3.00

God and Israeli By Dr. L. Sale-Harrison

Main and Ash y Findlay, Ohio OUR LIST INCLUDES Other books by Dr. L. S. Chafer, Dr. Roy L. Laurin, Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, Dr. Carl Armerding, Dr. Walter L. Wilson, Dr. William L. Pettingill, Dr. John F. Walvoord, Dr. C. I. Scofield, Dr Roy Aldrich, Dr. Charles Feinberg, Dr. E. Schuyler English, J. F. Strom- beck, Joe Nieboer and others. NEW ENLARGED CATALOG FREE ON REQUEST

Watch the Jew and his movement in the light of prophecy and you have your fingers on great world events. Don’t miss this timely book with preface by Dr. Wilbur M. Smith. Price $2.00


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