King's Business - 1956-01



pastor treat various aspects of the fu­ ture such as recognition in heaven, the death of babies, deathbed repent­ ance, and the condition of the saved and lost. The message on “Tears Gone Forever,” in which the author states that we have “tears here, but no tears in heaven” is at variance with the preaching of some that there will be “Tears in heaven.” 93 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, 111.; $1.50. Here are 17 sermons on the life of Christ from His birth to His resur­ rection. They are masterly from a literary point of view and abound in usable illustrations, but the Christ portrayed is a matchless Man Who transformed the world through His teaching and His example. His death was a martyrdom; His resurrection is “the never-ending thrust of his on­ going spirit,” not a literal, physical resurrection. 155 pages; cloth; Abing­ don Press, Nashville, Term.; $2.50. A Southern Baptist pastor and for­ mer professor of psychology preached these sermons on the subject of the guilt of sin and its removal in sal­ vation. He goes on to discuss the im­ portant scriptural aspects of the way to maturity, what to do with one’s fears, taking responsibility and the meaning of hatred and love. The au­ thor has a real grasp of the Bible truth concerning the nature of man and God’s grace. 96 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. The Y ea r s o f Our iAtrd By Charles M. Crowe Ouch ! M y C on science By W. Maurice Hurley Studies in the E p istle to the H eb r ew s By E. Schuyler English This excellent commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews is from the pen of the successor to Dr. Arno C. Gaebelein as editor of Our Hope magazine, and it was originally pub­ lished in that journal serially over a period of about five years from 1946 CONTINUED

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