King's Business - 1956-01

Bible Study Outline helps and questions for personal and group study Searching the Scriptures : M atthew W e begin a new plan of Bible study in this issue to take the place of the former “Young ment prophecies and thus proves that He is the Messiah and King of the Jews.

By Chester J. Padgett- 6. Whom did the wise men worship according to v. 11, Jesus or His mother? 7. Note the gifts the wise men brought (v. 11). These were costly gifts. What have you given the Sav­ iour? 8. Wliy does Matthew so carefully indicate the details in our Lord’s life that fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies? (cf. v. 15, v. 17, etc.) 9. To what place in Palestine did Mary and Joseph bring the child Jesus after the death of Herod? (v. 23.) Where is Nazareth? Look this up in your Bible atlas. If you don’t have one you should purchase one from a good Bible book store. 10. Did this event fulfill any Old Testament prophecy? Which one? Study Questions on Chapter 3 1. W h a t interesting personality arises on the scene in chapter three? 2. List all the personality traits of this great man as evidenced in this chapter. How many of these things are true of you? 3. Wliat was the heart of John’s message? (v. 2.) 4. What “ kingdom” was John pre­ senting? Were the Jews of our Lord’s day expecting any other kingdom than the glorious reign of. Messiah predicted in the Old Testament? (cf. Acts 1:6,7.) 5. What Scripture was fulfilled in the ministry of John? (v.3 .) 6. Wliat is the evidence of true repentance? (v. 8.) 7. When was the promise of v. 11 fulfilled? (cf. Acts 2:1-4.) 8. Why was Jesus baptized? (v. 15.) 9. How is the doctrine of the Trin­ ity evidenced in w . 16,17? Study Questions on Chapter 4 1. Wliy was our Lord tempted? (w . 1-11.) 2. In what three-fold way did Sa­ tan come to Christ in tempting Him? (w . 1-11.) Compare this with the dev­ il’s strategy in Genesis 3; see also 1 John 2:15-17. 3. How did Christ overcome Satan? How can you? 4. What Scripture was fulfilled in the incident of 4:12-16? 5. What was our Lord’s message according to v. 17? Wliat kingdom did He preach? 6. Who were the first four disciples

People’s Topics.” We trust that this new departure will be of help to all our readers in encouraging and as­ sisting Bible study. Since this section of T h e K in g ’ s B u sin ess is something new it will perhaps be best to begin our study with the very first book of the New Testament—the Book of Matthew. Before getting started in our study of Matthew, however, we should sketch in brief outline the method we hope to follow in coming months. First, we want this study to be a day-by-day matter, possibly a chap­ ter a day would not be too much. We will start this way and if you find a chapter too lengthy a portion to study let us know and we will cut it down. In the second place, we want you to do the thinking and the study­ ing. To help in this we are going to use the question method. Thirdly, it is our desire that the studies be as practical as possible; to this end why not use pencil and paper and jot down your observations of each portion of Scripture and any outlines that come to your mind. You may want to use these also in Bible classes, devotional talks or sermons. Do not hesitate to write us giving your sug­ gestions as to how we can improve this department. I n t r o d u c t i o n t o M a t t h e w The Author and Date This lovely gospel was written by the man whose name it bears. Mat­ thew probably wrote his gospel about 45 A.D., some 15 years after the death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus. How could he re­ member so accurately and minutely the teachings and events in connec­ tion with the ministry of our Lord? The answer to this question is given in the Saviour’s promise recorded in John 14:26. To whom, or, for what class of people did Matthew write? The an­ swer to this question is found in the character of the book—Matthew evi­ dently writes to convince the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament Scriptures. Mat­ thew presents the Lord Jesus as the fulfillment of many of the Old Testa­

T h e O u t l i n e o f t h e G o s p e l o f M a t t h e w I. The Preparation of the King (1:1-4:11) II. The Proclamation of the King (4:12-7:29) III. The Power of the King (8:1-10:42) IV. The Preaching of the King (11:1-16:12) V. The Passion of the King (16:13-28:20) Study Questions on Matthew 1 1. What do you think is the pur­ pose of the genealogy of Christ in 1:1-17? 2. "Why does Matthew stress the mother of Jesus rather than Joseph in 1:16? 3. Why is the Holy Spirit through Matthew so concerned to narrate the exact details of our Lord’s birth? (1:18-25.) 4. List the details given in this sec­ tion which prove the virgin birth. 5. Develop each of the closing eight words of 1:22 into an outline for a Bible message. 6. How do we know what the Holy Spirit meant by the word “ virgin” in Isaiah 7:14? (cf. Matt. 1:22,23.) Were the translators of the RSV wise, then, when they translated the word in Isaiah as “ young woman” ? Study Questions on Matthew 2 1. Where was Jesus bom? Does this fact fulfill any Old Testament proph­ ecy? Which one? (cf. w . 4-6.) 2. Wlio were the wise men from the East, that is, what was their oc­ cupation and from what section of the East did they probably come? You can use your Bible dictionary as a help in answering these questions. 3. For what purpose did the wise men visit Bethlehem? (v. 2.) 4. Why was King Herod troubled when he heard about the birth of Jesus? (v.3.) Why are people troubled today by the gospel and by the preaching and teaching of the second coming of Christ? 5. Why did Herod want to know where Jesus was bom? (v. 8.) Do you think he was sincere in saying that he wanted to worship Christ? (cf. w . 16-18.)



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