King's Business - 1956-01

in w . 7-19? 3. Why the severe judgment pro­ nounced in w . 20-24? How can we. apply this truth in general? 4. How is spiritual truth imparted? (w. 25-27.) 5. What is the blessed promise of vv. 28-30? What are the conditions for entering into the promise? Study Questions on Chapter 12 1. From this point on in the nar­ rative the student will notice that our Lord’s clashes with the Pharisees and other religious leaders of Israel be­ came more frequent and more severe. They finally culminated in the cruci­ fixion of Christ. What was the objec­ tion of the Pharisees in 12:1-8? How did our Lord answer their charges? What is the meaning behind His statement? 2. How does our Lord again come into open conflict with the Pharisees? (w. 9-14.) What central truth does the Saviour develop? 3. Note the dispensational teaching of w . 15-21. Why is Christ turning from Israel and unto the Gentiles? (cf. Acts 13:46-49.) 4. What awful sin is attributed to the Pharisees in w . 22-32? According to this section what is the sin against the Holy Ghost? 5. How does our Lord feel about those who are clamoring for signs and who will not receive His simple Word? (w . 38-42.) Do we not need to be careful about this very thing in this day of so-called “healings” and “tongues,” etc.? 6. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were unregenerate legalists. How does the Saviour show the terrible danger of this situation? (w . 43-45.) 7. How does Christ teach the unity of the family of God composed ©f all who sincerely trust Christ? (w. 46- 50.) Study Questions on Chapter 15 1. What is a parable? Look up the answer in your Bible dictionary or in any dictionary. 2. Why did our Lord speak to the multitudes in parables? (w. 10-17.) 3. List the four kinds of soil men­ tioned in w . 3-9 and write a brief expository statement about each. See our Lord’s interpretation in w . 18-23. 4. What is the central truth of the parable of the tares and wheat? (w. CONTINUED

couraged the leper bearing witness of the One Who had healed him? (w. 1-4.) Does He want silent lips now? 2. What is significant in this “Jew­ ish” gospel in the healing of the Gen­ tile centurian? (w. 5-13.) Note the prophecy of w . 11, 12 in this con­ nection. 3. What Scripture did our Lord’s healing ministry fulfill? (w. 14-18.) 4. What two types of discipleship does the Saviour discourage in w. 19-22? 5. In what two realms is Christ sovereign according to w. 23-34? Study Questions on Chapter 9 1. What rules of bringing men to Christ are taught in the incident of w. 1-8? 2. What great truth did the re­ ligious leaders of our Lord’s day over­ look? (w . 10-15.) 3. How is the New Testament dis­ pensation described in w . 16,17? 4. How is the inclusion of the Gen­ tiles in the gospel dispensation pre­ dicted in the miracles of vv. 18-26? 5. How do the two miracles of w. 27-34 predict the power of the gospel in this dispensation? 6. What burden does our Lord lay on the hearts of His people in vv. 35-38? Are you making this part of your prayer? Study Questions on Chapter 10 1. How does the Messiah make His final appeal to the Jewish nation? (vv. 1-42.) 2. What were to be the irrefutable evidences ■ that Christ was the Mes­ siah? (v. 8.) 3. What end did He predict for the preaching of the “at hand” kingdom? (w. 16-42.) How is this fulfilled in the record of the Book of Acts? (cf. Acts 13:46-49.) 4. What “coming” did our Lord have reference to in v. 23? Is it not His coming in judgment fulfilled by the destruction of the Holy City in A.D. 70? This is the only possible interpretation in keeping with the statement of the verse. 5. What is the value of confessing Christ openly? (w. 32, 33.) Study Questions on Chapter 11 1. How did our Lord convince John that He was in reality the Messiah of Israel? (w . 1-6.) 2. What did Jesus teach about John

of Christ? (vv. 18-22.) Did it cost these men anything to follow Christ? 7. How did our Lord prove His claim to be the Son of God and Mes­ siah of the Jews? (w. 23-25.) Study Questions on Chapter 5 1. What title is commonly given to the section included in chapters 5-7? 2. List the character of the child of God according to w . 1-9. Write a brief descriptive paragraph following each one. 3. What are the blessings pro­ nounced upon such a character? (w. 1-9.) 4. What is the promised and ex­ pected attitude of the world toward the people of God? (w. 10-12; cf. John 15:18ff.) 5. What two things are said of the believer in w . 13-16? Discuss the function of each of these things with reference to the believer’s life. 6. How does our Lord interpret and apply the Old Testament law? (w. 17-48.) List the teachings of this sec­ tion in your own words with refer­ ence to the conduct of the child of God. Study Questions on Chapter 6 1. Write out a brief paragraph on the subject of Christian giving as suggested by w . 1-4, including the attitude, motive and method of giv­ ing. 2. Do the same as above on the subject of prayer (w. 5-7). What two things does our Lord warn against in the matter of prayer? 3. Jot down a brief statement as to the meaning of each phrase of the prayer taught by Christ in w . 8-15. Show the application to the believer’s life today. 4. What is the central truth of w. 19-34? Study Questions on Chapter 7 1. What common danger does our Lord warn against in w . 1-6? 2. How does our Lord encourage the believer to pray? (vv. 7-11.) 3. What is the positive proof of true faith? (w . 15-23.) 4. Who is the wise man in God’s sight? (w. 24-29.) What does it mean to build one’s life on the Word of God? Study Questions on Chapter 8 1. Why do you think Christ dis­

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