King's Business - 1956-01

Searching the Scriptures : M a t t h e w continued

5. What promise does the Son of God make based upon His deity? (v. 18.) 6. How do we know that our Lord does not mean here that the Church is built upon Peter as some would have us believe? (cf. 1 Cor. 3:11; Eph. 1:22, 23 ; 2:19-22.) 7. What new revelation did our Lord begin to make now that it was apparent that Israel would not receive Him as their Messiah? (v. 21; cf. 17:22,23; 20:17-19.) 8. How does the Lord Jesus show that without the cross there cannot be salvation? (w . 22-27.) 9. What do you think is the main reason for the special revelation Christ gives in 16:28-17:13? Study Questions on Chapter 17 1. How does God the Father indi­ cate that Christ is the central Person in the Church? (w . 4 ,5.) 2. What great truth regarding the privilege ®f the sons of God in the new dispensation does our Saviour teach in vv. 24-27? ' Study Questions on Chapter 18 1. How does our Lord show the sacredness of childhood and the great danger of hindering little children in their spiritual lives? (w . 1-10.) 2. How does Christ show the value of one soul? (w . 11-13.) 3. What does Christ teach about church discipline in w . 15-20? 4. What is the central lesson of w . 21-35? Is this lesson needed in the church today? Study Questions on Chapter 19 1. What is the only legitimate ground for divorce according to the Lord Jesus? (w . 1-12.) 2. What is the main lesson of the incident of the rich young ruler? (w . 16-26.) Is there any one thing hindering you from God’s best? 3. To what event does Peter look forward in vv. 27-30? W ill each Chris­ tian be required to give an account of his stewardship in the light of fu­ ture reward and service on that day? (cf. 1 Cor. 3:13-16; 2 Cor. 5:10.) Study Questions on Chapter 20 1. What is the great central truth of the parable given in w . 1-16? 2. What is the householder’s ques­ tion in v. 6? Is this applicable to some believers today? 3. Who is the one responsible for assigning positions in the coming kingdom to the followers of Christ? (w . 20-28.) 4. The miracle of w . 29-34 is p r o p h e tic of what great coming

event? (cf. Rom. 11:25,26; Rev. 1:7.) Study Questions on Chapter 21 1. Why do you think the Lord Je­ sus performed as He- did according to w . 1-11? 2. "What is significant about the de­ generation of the worship of Israel as indicated in vv. 12-17? 3. What is the main truth taught by the cursing of the fig tree? (w . 18-22.) 4. How do the religious leaders further indicate their estrangement from their Messiah? (w . 23-27.) 5. How does Christ show the sinful disobedience of Israel in w . 28-32? 6. How does He show the same truth in w . 33-46? Study Questions on Chapter 22 1. How does our Lord indicate the stubborn rebellion on the part of Is­ rael in the parable of w . 1-14? 2. How is the animosity of the Pharisees revealed in w . 15-22? Of the Sadducees in vv. 23-33? Why is it that any man has trouble with the truth of God? (v. 29.) 3. How did the Lord Jesus finally silence the Pharisees and reveal their hypocrisy and unreality? (vv. 41-46.) Study Questions on Chapter 23 1. List the accusations made against the official Jewish leaders of our Sav­ iour’s time (w . 1-33). Does this list not indicate the hopeless situation spiritually in Israel and vindicate the judgment of God which has been upon them? 2 . 'What judgment does the Saviour pronounce upon Israel? (w . 37-39.) Has this prophecy been fulfilled? Is it yet to be completely fulfilled? (See the Book of the Revelation, ch. 6-19.) Study Questions on Chapter 24 1. What, specifically, is the Saviour talking about in this chapter? (v. 3.) It is apparent, then, that the subject is the “ sign” or signs that will indi­ cate the imminent return of Christ to the earth to close the present age and to inaugurate the next one, or kingdom age. 2. List the events to take place dur­ ing the tribulation period as given in vv. 5-27. 3. What is to be the climax as far as Israel is concerned and an event of warning to believing Jews to flee Judea? (v. 15; cf. Dan. 9:27.) 4. What will be the development “ immediately after the tribulation” ? (w . 27-31.) 5. How does our Lord apply the truth of the coming tribulation and His second coming to His followers THE KING'S BUSINESS

24-30; cf. vv. 36-43.) 5. The “ kingdom of heaven” we believe refers to the visible Church in the world during this present dis­ pensation. The term is synonymous with Christendom. If this is so, what is the meaning of the parable of the mustard seed? (w . 31, 32.) 6. If within or among the members of the visible Church exist God’s true people, His “ treasure,” what is the application of the parable in v. 44? 7. Apply the parable of w . 45,46 in the light of the above interpreta­ tion. 8. What does the parable of w . 47- 52 teach about the character of the visible Church in the world? 9. How is the rising resentment against the Lord Jesus apparent in w . 53-58? Notice how we are approach­ ing a climax in the attitude of the nation of Israel to the Messiah. Study Questions on Chapter 14 1. How does the incident recorded in w . 1-14 indicate the widening breach between the Lord Jesus and the people of His day? 2. What central truth about Christ is brought out in the miracle of w . 15-21? 3. What is Christ teaching His dis­ ciples in the incident permitted as recorded in w . 22-36? For what is He preparing His followers? Study Questions on Chapter 1 5 1. What criticism is brought against the Saviour by His enemies in vv. 1-20? How does Christ answer this charge and what application does He make? 2. What dispensational significance is evident in the incident of w . 21- 28? Note that this event has to do with a Gentile. 3. What do you think is the central teaching of vv. 32-39? Study Questions on Chapter 16 1. What is dispensationally signifi­ cant about the last sentence of v. 4? Whom did Jesus leave? (cf. v. 1.) 2. What warning does our Lord give His disciples in w . 6-12? 3. Notice that the Saviour begins now to impress His identity upon His disciples who were to become the inspired teachers of the Church after His death and resurrection and as­ cension (w . 13-16). What was the correct answer to His question? (cf. v. 16.) "What does this title of Christ mean? 4. How did Peter know the true identity of Christ? (v. 17.) 38

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