King's Business - 1956-01

"MEETS 00R NEEDS AS NO 0TNER!" • “ How thankful I am for Prophecy Monthly. It gives spiritual feasts not only to me but to hundreds who share them through translations I publish” — says missionary in South India.

Don't m iss this jam-packed digest of world news interpreted in the light of prophecy plus spiritual vitamins needed by all God’s people. PROPHECY M O N T H L Y "Nothing likeIt"—"Different fromany other Christian magazine"say enthusiasticreaders.SearchingarticlesbyBiblescholars,timelytopics and snappy news flashes, useful in conversation and talks. Many subscribe for themselves and a missionary—a truly fruitful ministry.

during this present dispensation? (w . 32-51.) . Study Questions on Chapter 25 1. What is the central message in the parable of vv. 1-13? How can the believer be ready to meet the Sav­ iour? 2. What is the central message of vv. 14-30? Are all of God’s people equally gifted? (v. 15.) W ill every believer be called to give account of his stewardship? (v. 19.) What is the basic rule of stewardship? (v. 29.) 3. When will the judgment de­ scribed in vv. 31-46 take place? (v. 31.) 4. What will be the basis of this judgment? (v. 40.) 5. Who are to be judged at this time? (v. 32.) Study Questions on Chapter 26 1. How does the incident of w . 6-13 teach the important lesson of buying up opportunities as they come to us? 2. Peter seems to stand out in the narrative here; trace the steps in his defection from the Saviour (cf. vv. 33, 35,40,51,56,58,69-75). Study Questions on Chapter 27 1. Why did not our Saviour seek to defend Himself during the trials? (w . 12,14.) 2. What choice did the people make according to w . 15-25? Are men not making the same choice today? 3. In what way has history been a record of God’s judgment on Israel even as they deliberately invited Him to do? (v. 25.) 4. List the progress of our Lord’s humiliation in His crucifixion (w . 27-44). A ll this for you! 5. What is the meaning of our Lord’s cry in v. 46? 6. What is the meaning of the rent vail? (v. 51; cf. Heb. 10:20.) 7. What special precautions did the Pharisees make to ensure that the body of Christ remained in the tomb? (w . 62-66.) Study Questions on Chapter 28 1. List the chronology of the resur­ rection from w . 1-10. 2. What plan did the Pharisees de­ vise in their effort to discountenance the fact of Jesus’ resurrection? (w . 11-15.) 3. What great encouragement to Christian missions is given in v. 18? 4. What is the three-fold task of the Christian Church? (w . 19, 20.) 5. What is the blessed promise of the risen Saviour—a promise espe­ cially precious to those of us living at “ the end of the age” ? (v. 20.) END.

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