King's Business - 1956-01

"FRIENDS of ISRAEL” - IN DEED — through a world-wide Gospel and relief ministry among the Jews —Our Field -------- 28 missionaries laboring in the United States, Great Britain, Bel­ gium, Germany, Israel, India and Argentina - Our Heeds ~ Personal witness, Bible classes, as­ semblies of Jewish believers Distribution of excellent Christian literature Work among children, open air meetings, summer camps and retreats Relief in many forms for the poor, the hungry, and the persecuted for the Lord’s sake Sound , in doctrine, in methods and in business administration Independent, undenominational, hon­ oring the Lord Commanding the respect and the loyalty of discerning Christians Opportunities for preaching the Gos­ pel are greater than ever. Hungry, homeless, destitute Hebrew Christians, helpless and orphaned children, look to us for rescue. W e earnestly invite your prayers, your devotion and support. ■:Sample copy of ISRAEL MY GLORY, outstanding missionary publication, sent free to all who love the Lord and His cause. , THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Missionary and Relief Society, Inc. General Secretary Rev. Victory Buksbazen 728K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar 1066 Avenue Road, Toronto 12, Ontario Dear Friends of Israel: I am sending enclosed for your min- istry $ ....................................................... NAME ..................................... .................. ADDRESS ............................ .....I ...... ' C I T Y .................................:...................... J ZONE ...... STATE ......... .....................

M other recently attended homecom­ ing activities of a school from which she graduated some years ago. In one student’s room she saw a paper which read in part: “ Stu­ dents, the Alumnae be upon thee. Are you ready?” Be it said to their credit, they were. Fellow Christians, the new year be upon thee. Are you ready? If our blessed Lord Jesus Whose birth we just celebrated so joyously, should come today or before January of 1956 is history, are you ready? Never mind about the nice “ front” you wear. Only men see that. God sees the heart of you. When you honestly take a look down deep in the recesses of your being, are you ready? For some years Mother ha;s battled three sons who think it highly un­ necessary to make their beds each morning. The stock argument goes: “ Nobody sees our beds, so why both­ er?” The fact that such a state vio­ lates Mother’s principles of house­ keeping doesn’t seem to bother her sons. The plea to have every part of the house in tip-top order in anticipa­ tion of friends calling unexpectedly (and what parsopage doesn’t experi­ ence this?), falls on stony hearts. They are not interested in being ready because the responsibility of keeping house is not theirs. Some day in their own homes the story will be different. The responsibility of keeping your spiritual house is yours. Is it in order? Are you ready to meet your Lord should He come at the beginning of this new year? Students at the school cleaned and polished and discarded junk which cluttered their rooms in honor of alumnae. Mother’s sons make their beds even though she is forced to insist daily. Dare we be less prepared for our Lord than we prepare for men? “ . . . behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of sal­ vation” (2 Cor. 6:2b). A blessed New Year to our loyal readers from the family Under The Parsonage Roof.

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