King's Business - 1956-01

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ing them about my childhood and youthful experiences. Among many exciting events in my life, one that stood out was the day when my father gave me an $18 study Bible when I was about 14. I told them how I read it. I de­ termined to read it through in one year.' After relating some details in reading this Bible, I casually asked the group if they knew when their copies of the Bible had been printed. Most of the members didn’t know. Someone guessed for an an­ swer. Then I asked them how they would find out. One member said, “ Look for the date in the front.” I said, “ That is a good idea. What do you find?” They looked for the date. One fellow yelled, “ 1611.” I asked them, “Why do you sup- pose it was translated in 1611?” No one knew the answer. Then I said, “ Say, that’s strange . . . If no one knows the answer, how about finding out why our Bi­ bles have this date? Who will try to find out?” Several of these youthful pros­ pectors in the Bible volunteered. I showed them where to get the an­ swer in the encyclopedia in the pub­ lic library. I asked them to write their answers on a sheet of paper. Then I said, “ That reminds me of another idea. Why was the Bible printed anyway? What is it all about?” Immediately the group began to give their views. One said, “ To tell about God.” Another added, “ It tells us how to be saved.” Still another chimed in, “ I don’t know.” Then I suggested that since they had so many answers, it might be worthwhile to see if these answers were true. How about looking into the Bible itself? CONTINUED

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