King's Business - 1956-01

Busy Family continued version would be “ Richer than I you can never be, for I had a Moth­ er who taught Bible verses to me.” What wealth can be compared to a young mind filled with Bible verses. This can be made a thrilling thing by a bit of competition and prizes. 5. Another type of family altar that is especially good for a rainy evening or a dreary Sunday after­ noon is the Bible story hour. Every child deserves to have one of the good children’s Bible story hooks read to him from cover to cover. Hurlburt’s, Yos’s, Moody’s and Eg- ermeier’s are all good, but it isn’t enough to buy them-—-they must be read! And perhaps not quite so im­ portant, but a fine addition, are the many inspiring missionary stor­ ies. I’ll never forget when mother read us Mary Slessor of Africa. One of the most helpful things in life is to know what we want so we can “ go after it.” A wonder­ ful mother, a single missionary in India who had a family of over 500 children, once wrote out exactly what she wanted God to do for her children. Perhaps it would be worthwhile for us to make Miss Amy Carmichael’s petitions for her children, daily petitions for our own children and then to do all we can to make our prayers come true. “Make them good soldiers of Je­ sus Christ. “ Let them be winners and help­ ers of souls. “ Let them live not to be min­ istered unto, but to minister. “Make them doers, not mere talkers. “ Let them enjoy hard work and choose hard things rather than easy. “Make them wise, for it is writ­ ten, He hath no pleasure in fools. “Let them pass from dependence upon us to dependence on Thee. “ Let them never come under the dominion of earthly things; keep them free. “ Let them grow up healthy, hap­ py, friendly, and keen to make, others happy. “ Give them eyes to see the beau­ ty of the world and hearts to wor­ ship its Creator. Let them be gentle to beast and bird. May they walk, O Lord, in the light of Thy coun­ tenance. Let this be the inheritance of these children.” E^D.

360 million Indians need your prayers! Training national workers is a sound investment; $10 a month pro­ vides board and room for one student at the Hindustan Bible Institute in Madras, India. WE TRAIN NATIONAL MISSIONARIES IN INDIA For more complete information, write: Hindustan Bible Institute 1059 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Tell the Story Better . . . More Dramatically with S T O R Y - O - G R A P H S THE SUPERIOR FLANNELGRAPH Also telescoping flannelboard and aluminum tripod______ Stories to cover the entire Bible STORY-O-GRAPHS, Dept. K.B. P.O. Box 145, Pasadena 16, Calif. 'SOUL-WINNING IS EASY" by C. S. Lovett AT LAST !

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Pastor, Baldwin Park Baptist Church; Teacher of Evtpngelism, California Baptist Seminary.

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