King's Business - 1956-01


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The How of Holiness

“ I just can’t praise the Lord enough that all of my life’s savings are invested in Moody Bible Institute Annuities l ”

Sirs: The article “ The How of Holiness” in the July 1955 issue is worth the price of a year’s subscription, besides the wonderful question box by Dr. Talbot. Morthaville, La. Mrs. Edna R. Parks Backwoods Missionary Sirs: Here in the United States of Amer­ ica every man is considered innocent until proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty. The accused murderers of Emmett T ill (Dec. K.B.) were acquitted by a court of law and after that with new evidence another grand jury refused to indict them. The evidence presented by the de­ fense left more than a reasonable doubt of the accused’s guilt. I was born in Oregon and have lived the rest of my life in the West. Some of my friends are Negroes. I am not a prejudiced southerner—I am an alarmed northerner who is frightened when such a reliable magazine as yours interjects into a religious maga­ zine an article based on emotionalism and rabble rousing. Seattle, Wash. Alan M. Reece Sirs: “Up The Hollers” by Dorothy Has- kin (Oct. K.B.) presents a false life of the Kentucky people. I am “ the girl” from the Landrum family who went to B io l a . My mother is an in­ telligent, educated woman who does­ n’t use hillbilly talk. We appreciate a fair, intelligent, true report but articles like this make every Ken­ tuckian’s blood boil. Stockton, Calif. Lucinda Landrum Sharenbrock Sirs: Pure religion, undefiled, isn’t run­ ning down any denomination. Dr. Talbot should be . . . sued for libel. If the World Council of Churches can’t agree on all points how can anyone think he is the only one who is right? . Fairfield, Calif. Alice Svara Rabble Rousing Boiling Blood Sued for Libel


says Mr. M. of Missouri, “but it doesn’t begin to compare with the greatest business in the world—that of winning lost souls for Christ.” As a telegrapher and station agent, Mr. M. tapped out all kinds of messages, but he says that none were as important or urgent as the spreading of the GOSPEL message . for which he has invested his life’s savings!

There Are Two Good Reasons for His Satisfaction with Moody Annuities . . .

1. Generous Income . . . He knows that he is assured of a generous, un­ changing income as long as he lives. His savings are secure, because they are backed by all the resources of Moody Bible Institute. Peace of Mind . . . He knows that his savings are doing business for God now, and will continue to work through the Institute and its many soul-winning ministries—long after he has gone to be with the Lord.

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W R ITS: C arl J . Frlxen, D epartm ent o f Stew ardsh ip MOODY BIBLE INST ITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois


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