King's Business - 1917-11

S3 THE KING’S BUSINESS VOL. VIII. NOVEMBER, 1917 No. 11 A n o th e r L incoln N e ed ed— H ow C an G o d A n sw er P ra y e r?— W h y D oes N ot G o d G ive Decisive V ic to ry ?— T h e D em oralizing E ffects of W a r— T h e F o lly o f W a r— Is th e W o rld G row ing B e tte r?— Booze Still T rium p h an t— S ane D ietetics— M ystery of L ife E xp la in ed a t L ast— T h e P o p e ’s P ea c e P ropo sa l— T h e P re sid en t an d th e P o p e— Sit C lose an d L o o k U p— Sin Is B roken Fellow ship— Satisfied W ith th e A v e rag e— Resist N o t th e H o ly Spirit— N ations an d th e W a r— Consciousness of Sin— “ B ehold H ow G re a t a M a tte r a L ittle F ir t K in d le th ” ............................................................... 961 A rch aeo log ical F a c ts w ith W hich to T e st C ritical T heories. By M. G. Kyle, D .D ., L .L .D ,................. ............ ................ 973 “T h o u S c a rle t S in .” By R ev. Jo h n M aclnn is................ ........... 9 8 0 New M em bers of F a cu lty ...............................| ................................... 984 Puzzling P assages an d P ro b lem s....................................................... 985 Music in th e H om e. By C h arles H ow a rd M arsh ....................... 9 8 7 B a lb o a C hapel D e d ic a te d .................................................................... 9 9 0 W h a t T h in k Y e of Christ? By Dw ight L. M oody .................... 991 B ible In stitu te of L os A ngeles. By D r. M ark M a tth ew s....... 9 9 6 Evangelistic D ep a rtm en t. By B ible In stitu te W o rk e rs.......... 999 E vangelism a t V an couv er. By R ev. S. P. M iller.......................1006 H om iletical H e lp s ................................................. ..........d................. 1008 T h ro u g h th e B ible w ith D r. E v an s................................................... 1012 F a r H o rizo n ...........................................................| ..................................1015 I In te rn a tio n a l S u n d ay School Lessons. By R. A . T o rre y an d T. C. H o r t o n ................................__________________ ,.......... 1017 Daily D evo tion al S tud ies in th e O ld a n d N ew .T e stam en t fo r Ind iv idu al M ed ita tion an d Fam ily W orship. By R. A . T o rre y ............................................................................................1 0 3 5 SUBSCRIPTION PR ICE In th e U n ited S tates a n d its P ossessions a n d M exico, a n d p o in ts in th e C e n tra l A m e ric an P o stal U nion, $ 1 p e r y e ar. In all o th e r foreig n countries, $ 1 .2 4 (5 s. 2 d .). Single copies, 10 cents. TAB LE O F CONTENTS E d ito ria l:

R eceipts sen t o n req u est. See d ate o n a d d ress tag. “S ept. 17” m eans E x p ires S ept. 1917, etc.


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