King's Business - 1917-11



coast, lies in European waters. A passen­ ger boat, tipping over at sea, took with it a score of lives. Another passenger boat, after many opportunities, and where the workers had almost always found an antag­ onistic crew, was lost with many lives. A time never to be forgotten was a service held among the crew of an English trader, when ten men accepted Christ, and another vessel of the same line where two men came out for the Lord, both vessels being sunk in the war zone. These are only a few of the forty vessels we know of, which will never again be seen. Can we not rejoice that we had the oppor­ tunity in each case to lift Him up, leaving all to Him? Will you not pray much for the work, for the workers, and for the printed page? Also if you can hear God’s call to you to send for a light-house bank, of which you know, which will enable us to serve many more, if He permits, let us know immediately. Another little incident that shows how God works in the heart of the believer “both to will and to do his great pleasure.” The conversion occurred after the than had been talked with and prayed over for a period of six years. Though he had repeatedly given his testimony before Gen­ tile and Jewish Christians, he frankly con­ fessed he feared to acknowledge his faith in Jesus Christ to his immediate relatives and acquaintances who were not Christians. The test confronting him was especially hard, as the Jews in whose neighborhood he lived were strictly orthodox and could be depended upon to make things highly interesting for a young Hebrew-Christian convert. We pointed out to him the fact that the path of obedience, though strewn with many obstacles and difficulties, was alsoj tjje iath of blessing. Prayer was

teen books," fifteen Gospels, 200 tracts and the worker having had four interviews. A vessel leaving Honolulu caught fire and for hours the crew fought the flames; no help came, and after all hope was gone the life boats were entered and they were picked up by a passing vessel. The engineer was an A. P. (almost persuaded). Does not God perhaps let men come to their extrem­ ity to make them think? Does He not work mysteriously, and may we not expect to find many men in glory who once were only A. P’s? An English sailing vessel reached by the Institute worker, received in that way the last message. , An American freighter on its first and only trip to the Pacific Coast was lost. An armored cruiser, on which the Lord gave us a soul, after­ wards was lost. A Mexican vessel destroyed by fire, was always remembered by how gladly two families having four little girls, received the gospel. Another “loss” was a passenger liner often visited which was lost in a fog. A freighter, once a visitor on this E n c o u r a g in g reports come to us from time to time from Jews and Jewesses whom we have been privileged to lead out of the darkness of Judaism into' the light of Christianity. A few days ago we received a letter from one of our converts, a young Jewess, who, with her husband, has gone out into the that since her conversion (her husband having been a Christian for some time past), their home has been SO different. Happiness, peace and quiet reign now where unhappiness, discord and unrest held sway before. She further adds that they have organized a much-needed Sunday school out in that neglected field, and the meet­ ings, which are held in their home, are being well attended both by young and old, many of the people driving for miles in order to attend the services.

-------- •—o - — 1— - WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A. Vaus, Supt.

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