King's Business - 1917-11



Just one instance from the work of last month: While we were conducting an evening meeting at the Club one night, a young man came in and sat down. At the close of the message, we asked him about his soul. It was found that he wasn’t happy and" that, like the weary prodigal, he was tired of the old life and was willing to do something to help himself, but as that was impossible, he was in despair. He had no earthly friends that he knew. of. He had at one time been in business for himself, but now through a life of dissipa­ tion and sin, he was down and out. His face was drawn, his clothes were shabby, and he was badly in heed of help. We told Him about the Saviour who came all the way from glory just to save him, a sinner, and that all he had to do was to receive Him as his personal Saviour and he could have a new life. Eager to end the old one, T A IE have been greatly encouraged the "V past month by the evidences mani­ fested that oUr labor is not in vain in the Lord, and believe we shall yet reap an abundant harvest. We rejoice in the Lord for the bright prospects, for does He not promise that “he that cometh to God must believe that He is ; and that He is a rewardèr of them that diligently seek Him?” And again, “Cast not away yqur confidence, for it hath great recompense of reward.” Praise God for His word that is forever settled in Heaven. One of our notes of praise and encourage­ ment is the realization of the truth of the declaration found in Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword . . . and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” While reading the

he drank in the message, and is now today a saved young man. And what changes God does make in a man! He came in the next day and we hardly believed our eyes, he was so changed. In a testimony on the street, before a crowd of well-to-do people, he said: “I am not a good speaker, but I have something to say to you. I have Something in my life today that you could not buy with a million dollars; Jesus Christ came into my life, and I am today a new creature in Christ Jesus. When Jesus comes in there is bound to be a change.” He is now working at a good job, and writes to us. He said in his last letter: “My, it sure does mean Something to live a life with Christ.” Do you think it pays? You will surely all want a share in this work, and if you haven’t been praying for it, will you add it to your prayer list? word of God in one of the Pacific Electric camps to a group of men, one man cried out and said, “Oh I am so vile and wicked, and am not worthy to be the recipient of that word or of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Then we explained to him the way of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but he said he was not ready to accept the Saviour then, but would first read the tracts and gospels we left him. A few days later we received a letter from him in which he confessed his miserable condition and requested us to bring a New Testament. In a day or two, we again visited the camp, and after talking with him, we both got down on our knees, and he called upon the Lord to save him from his sins. On our next visit he testified to the power of the Gospel, rejoicing in his new­ found friend and was happy and contented.

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R. H. Bender, Supt.

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