King's Business - 1917-11

EVANGELISM AT VAWCOUWEli By HEY- S. P- MILLER Fmstoa 1 o f the leading B ap tist Church of Vancouver

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rule that it would not pray for anything it could not work for, be the cost what it might, and when Dr. Oliver, of Los Ange­ les, was in the city conducting a two weeks’ conference in the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, every indication pointed to him as the man splendidly qualified and equipped to carry on a city-wide campaign on evan­ gelistic lines.

"^T EVER, in the history of British ’ Columbia, and probably1 not in' the Dominion of Canada, has there been a religious revival of such power, along strictly biblical lines, as-has just recently shaken the City of Vancouver to its very center. More than 2500 names were recorded of those who professed to accept Christ, as'a result of the evangelistic move­ ment conducted by Dr. French E. Oliver and his party, consisting of the Rev. Geo. W. Hunter and Miss Marie Carter of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; Rev. Frank A. Miller, Mrs. Neth, and others, with J. Raymond Hemminger, as leader of the singing, and A. Fath as pianist. The Lord’s hand has been seen guiding in a remarkable way, guarding and arranging at every step. Many persons doubted that such a cam-, paign could be brought to a fruitful con­ clusion in a Pacific Coast port, but the Lord was on our side so it succeeded. Many ardent souls threw themselves into the work for the Master’s sake and paused not at trouble or cost, but only thought of the souls to be won. Let us go back a few years in the history of this terminal city. At that time there were several groups of earnest Christians, quite unknown to each other, holding weekly gatherings for definite blessing, praying that a great revival might come to the city, amongst these a group of consecrated women in the 'Mount Pleasant district, and a group of consecrated men meeting in the Y. M. C. A. building. Suddenly, like a lightning flash, came the answer; for events leading up to the revival followed each other in rapid succession. . The Y. M. Ci A. group made it a firm


On March 20th of the present year a dozen business men meeting at a noon-time luncheon, issued a call for men and women to join an interdenominational conference on, the subject of aggressive evangelism. The meeting was called in the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, and Dr. Oliver was asked to address the 400 people present. The result Was the nomination of fifteen Christian men, with power to add to their number, and instructions to proceed in a large way, if they came to the conclusion that the way was open. The committee met and selected a ljst of other devout men who were known to be thoroughly evan­ gelical. About fifty responded to this call.

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