King's Business - 1917-11

F O R T H E S E R M O N , B I B L E R E A D I N G , G O S P E L A D D R E S S -M Homiletical Helps

B y W I L L I A M E V A N S



T h em e: Jesus as a Soul W in n er. T ex t : John 4. I ntroduction . This narrative affords a splendid lesson

C onclusion . Thus a drink became a fountain; a fountain, a stream; a stream, rivers. T h em e: T h e Im p o te n t M an. T ex t : John 5. I ntroduction . A splendid picture lesson of the conver­ sion of a sinner. I. The sinner before conversion. 3. Waiting for some phenomenal sign. II. The sinner in the process of salvation. 1. Desire aroused. 2. Hope kindled. 3. The soul appealed to. 4. Faith demanded. III. The sinner after conversion. 1. Confessed Christ (ver. IS). 2. Acknowledged Jesus as Lord (vers. 11-15). 3. Made possible victor over sin (ver. i 4 ) . C onclusion . T h em e: N earness to th e K ingdom . T ex t : Mark 12:28-34. I ntroduction . All men are not equally distant from the Kingdom of God, even though not enrolled in it. There are circumstances which make one man’s condition more hopeful and his conversion less surprising than others. /. Some characteristics o f the man who is near to but not in the kingdom. 1. He may possess a considerable knowl­ edge of the Scriptures. 1. Helpless. 2. Diseased.

in personal soul winning. I. Christ the soul winner. 1. His zeal.

Seen in seeking opportunity at the expense of personal comfort and in overcoming the caste idea. 2. His tact. Seen in introducing the subject, in avoiding discussion, in turning earthly things into heavenly topics, and in rais­ ing the commonplace to the highest level. 3. His spirituality. Seen in giving everything a spiritual turn and meaning. 4. His method. He aroused interest (vers. 9-11) ; cre­ ated desire (ver. IS) and a sense of sin (vers. 16-18); showed the remedy (vers. 21-24, 26) ; emphasized the sal­ vation of the individual. 1. Sought by Christ. The Saviour did not wait for the woman to come to Him. 2. Ignorant of her need, condition, and possibilities. 3. Sought to argue the point and change the subject. III. The salvation found. 1. God’s gift. ' • 2. Absolutely sufficient and soul-satisfy­ ing. 3. Self-propagating. II. The sinner.

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