King's Business - 1917-11



What most wonderful evidence of God’s graciousness had David? 2 Sam. 7:1-11. What showed Him to be slow to anger? 2 Chron. 36:14-16. How do we know that He is plenteous in mercy? John 3:16; Rev. 22:17. (4 ) David Blesses God for What He Will Not Do, vs. 9-10. What assurance had David that God would not keep His anger forever? Deut. 30:1-5. What assurance that He would not always chide? Ps. 89:30-36. What would have happened if God dealt with them after their sins? Mai. 3:6-7. What is the reward of iniquity? Rom. 6:23. How has God dealt with believing sin­ ners? Col. 1:3-15. How high are the heavens above the earth ? How great is God’s mercy to them that fear Him? Eph. 3:17-19. When Christ bore the sin of the world (John 1¿9) how far did He bear the load ? v. 12 . How is the thought of vs. .13 and 14 expressed in Matt. 6:32 and in Heb. 4:15. How did Jesus express it in Gethsem- ane? Matt. 26:41. (5 ) David Blesses God, Contrasting the Brevity of Man with the Eternity of Mercy, vs. 15-18. What figures of scripture illustrate the brevity of life? Job 14:2; Jas. 4:14. What does Peter contrast with this grass- flower life of man ? 1 Pet. 1 :24, 25. : What kind of life does that everlasting Word promise in exchange for this brief life ? John 3 :16, 26.

Have you got it? (6 ) David Calls the Universe to Bless the Lord His God, vs. 19-22. Where has God planted His throne? v. 19; Acts 7 :49. Who rules this universal Kingdom? Acts 2:30; Matt. 27:18. On whom does David first'call to bless God? v. 20. On whom does David next call to bless God? v. 21. On what does he next call to bless God? v. 22 . And last of all whom does he rouse again to the same glad work? PRACTICAL POINTS 1. We call on the whole (man), when we call on the soul. 2. Forget not all his benefits; you are sure to forget most of them. 3. When God forgives, He forgives, there is “not one condemnation.” (Rom. 8 : 1 ). 4. They plaited Him a crown of thorns;- He plaits us one of loving kindness and tender mercies. 5. He executed righteousness and judg­ ment, on Jesus, for “all oppressed of the devil.” 6 . What mouthfuls of gpod God gives us! 7. “Forty stripes, save one” —He never gives the full toll. 8 . They who start east, never get there. 9. The mightiest angels offer only faintest praise. 10. The response to this exhortation is sug­ gested in Revelation 5:11-14.

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