King's Business - 1917-11

Two “Sevens” for the Bible Student

W hat A rc t h e , Advantages o f B ib le Study by. . C orrespondence ?

W hat Are The

Chief C onsiderations in Choosing such

a C ourse? ~

-•vf* The Istudent;.mïs.sea Ô. fes-

Î| Are- the teachers.;competent, and -

C' - ' . ‘.son... / r / ' ; . - - . - \ i | 2. Is the course backed by a thor- 2. T h e student nçÿer fails to . ' r e c i t e ^ òughly reliable institu tiqb» ôfc\ | : . ' ' - : .merely an individual?" N 3. The student *011181 be: prepared 3/ NIs -there back b f it an adequate J on, every: lesson. •' - < plant foir v"carrying ConCthe C 4- Th,e student is not absolutely 4 . U the tiaiure of the course such limited as to time in prepara- as to draw out and develop., tlon‘ ' . . • the student} Ì ■g ' , .. . . V . 5. Will a personal interest be takeii:C 5. The student^does his work in the etddent. to elevate his writing, which is a great edu. spiritual-Jife^ , cationui beneht* ^ 6 . Is the fjjice* of the course within 6 . The student is stimulated to fu r -. ' reach ancl reasonable for the - ther study. f i matenial given?;, fC'C ^ cV'V ’>f '^ v“‘t | ' ' , -7, Will- it be possible to get credit 7i Thè, student getà an 5 intimate - " on Studies pursued if the stur : touch with his instructors C 8 É : dent § later wishes to enter a ,| through ..correspondence.' Bible Institute? ;. • S . v And W hat is One E asy S o lu tion to th e W hole Prob lem ? AU of the above points should be carefully investigated in these days- when so much is -being offered in the name of Bible study, by the agents % of cleverly shrouded heresies. Tabe Ho chances whatever. The devil comes ' as an “angel of light*" through the printed page,, therefore it behooves the . Student to know absolutely that he is on safe ground. ¿ Thé Bible institute of Los Angeles, Cal., Dr. R. A. Torrey, dean, is known the world over as ah institution;'that, is standing for'“The Old Faith / and the Old Book," and whose teachers allow the Bible to be its owii conif. mentary. / j§ : . C Did you know that the Institute offers four courses by Correspond- ’ enee?.'; Bible Doctrine»-—-Life of Christ— Personal Evangelism—Through / the Bible by Books and Chapters. Writ.e at once for circulars of informa­ tion. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL DEPT. B IB L E IN S T IT U T E O F LO S ANGELES .Los A ngeles, Cal. KEITH L. BROOKS, Secretary Cor. Course. "V' % .. : . - safe? . -f ~

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