King's Business - 1922-10

Christmas? Yes,-certainly; Christmas

is not a very long way off and we just want to remind you that the books listed in this number of the King’s Business will make very acceptable Christmas presents. “Best” Books for Young People

A Young Man’ s Questions By R obert E. Speer “ Mr. Speer perhaps beyond any man. o f our time, has gained the attention o f young men. He understands them, their asperations, their trou­ bles, their hindrances; as they listen to him and give him their confidence. Many biographical and other inci­ dents illuminate a style that is always earnest, lucid, di­ rect and attractive. Price $1.25 Can a Young Man Trust His Bible? By Arthur Gook Faces squarely m ost of the difficult problems which stumble many and gives good and sufficient reasons for trusting im plicitly in the Holy Scriptures as the revelation o f the mind and will o f God. Paper, 20c

Things That Matter Most

The Life of Fuller Purpose

By J. Stuart Holden, M. A. This accom plished English writer is well known to the Christian world through his repeated m inistrations a t the Northfield Summer Confer­ ence. His addresses at the Young W om en’s Conference, which were the basis for this volume, were marked by their direct appeal to the spiritual conscience. Price 75c The Life That Wins By Charles G. Trumbull A wonderful booklet giving the experience o f Charles G. Trumbull, editor o f the Sun­ day School Times, in his search for the deeper life and his great jo y when Christ becam e real to him. It stirs the heart w ith the same deep longing that he had for .this greatest o f all blessings that can com e into our lives by His grace. Price 2c ea.; 20c per doz.

Dr. John H enry Jowett, D . D. Dr. Jowett always preaches about the things that matter m ost, the deep, vital, spir­ itual realities. Men go to hear him, not because he is in the fashion, but because he is a prophet o f God. These are characteristic sermons. Price $1.50 By Peter Ainslie This little book is designed for all believers in Jesus, and especially forJ:hose who have recently entered into the blessed relationship o f adop­ tion into the holy fam ily of the Heavenly Father, and so it may be called a primer for the beginners in Christian living. P rice 50c God and Me

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