King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books for

Young People

Three Wonderful Books of Stirring Religious Fiction Real Purpose Books

Three Splendid Books About Paul Paul the Dauntless / By Basil Mathews Here is a new life story o f Paul that strikes a new note, that is told in a new vein. In this book Mr. Mathews has used to the full talent for bleriding absolute histor­ ical accu racy with stirring word*painting. It is a book for either sex, for any age; a book to be read b oth for profit and real and sustained pleasure. Price $2.50 Paul’ s Campaigns By David James Burrell In Paul’s Campaigns, you journey with Paul 'w herever le goes, whether to Cyprus or to Rome, you feel yourself near to him, listening, hear­ ing his fiery, impassioned, fearless exhorting. | When you read the gripping de­ scription of what Paul saw at Athens, it will be brought hom e to you that here indeed is a study o f Paul’s wander­ ings which really appreciates the m otives and difficulties o f that courageous fighter for Christianity. 110 pages (clo th ), $1.25 net Paul’s Companions By David James Burrell This book, replete with illustration, m etaphor, anec­ dote and parable, strives to impart in m odern languages a full, deep-colored impres­ sion that only the Bible stu­ dent who has plodded back and forth through the rele­ vant chapters can as a rule hope to obtain. . Each chapter is headed by a page giving a -bit o f “ Pil­ grim ’s Progress’’— foremen in “ Pilgrim ’s Progress” are strikingly like Paul’s Com ­ panions. 125 pages (cloth ) $1.25 net

Scarlet and Purple

By Sydney D . W atson This book is a message to m yriads in the churches as well as to .those outside, for the W ord o f God shows plainly the hideous awakening that awaits those who are blinded by a merely religious, life, allied to a church membership that is not linked With the “ Name written in the Lamb’s Book o f Life.” The com ing o f our Lord presently will discover the mere church professors, who, being left_ on earth to go through -the horrors o f “ The Great Tribulation,” will cry. “ W hat fools I W hat madmen we have been. Put this book into the hands o f any one you wish to see converted, because the reader is brought face to face with Jesus Christ as Saviour. Cloth, Price $1.^5 In the Twinkling of an Eye By Sydney D. W atson The Second Coming o f the Lord is a very precious truth to many Christians and would be to many more if they only understood. Some are adverse to studying their Bibles just to learn this particular truth, but every­ body will read and enjoy a good, well, written story. “ In the Twinkling o f an Eye” is an exceedingly intereisting story in which the doctrine o f the return o f the Lord is so intimately interwoven that the reader absorbs it, utterly unconscious that he is being taught,— so thor­ oughly does he becom e abosrbed in the story. It is just the book to put into the hands o f young Christians, care­ less Christians, nominal Christians. Read it for yourself, and then you will understand what we mean. Cloth, Price $1.25 The Mark of the Beast By Sydney D . W atson A vividly told story o f the time o f “ The Great Tribu­ lation” which is so plainly taught in the Scripture, but overlooked by the m ajority o f the people today. The desire o f the author has been to startle and awaken care-' less, ill taught professing Christians by giving some faint view o f the fate o f those professors who will be left behind to go through the horrors o f tfyis awful tim e fast com ing on the world. Many not only read the book carefully, but so inter­ esting is it that they re-read it until the facts o f the great tribulation are vividly impressed upon their minds. Cloth, Price $1.25

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