King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books for Young People Choice Clean Fiction that you canSafely put into the hands of young people knowing that it will do them good instead of harm.

PANSY BOOKS Four Girls at Chautauqua Ester Reid Tip Lewis and His Lamp Three People Julia Reid Chautauqua Girls at Home The King’s Daughters Ruth Erskine’ s Crosses Judge Burnham’s Daugh­ ters Wise and Otherwise Per Volume, 75c The Drowning Boys A Dozen of Them The Exact Truth Glimpses of Boyhood Glimpses of Girlhood Grace Holbrook Hedge Fence Helen the Historian Her Mother’s Bible The Kaleidoscope The Little Card Side by Side Six O’ Clock in the Eve­ ning Stories from the Life of Jesus Stories of Great Men Stories of Remarkable Women Their Vacation We Twelve Girls A World of Little People - Per Volume, 50c

The Girl From From Montana

The Tryst

Grace Livingstone Hill “ W holesom e and enchant­ ing.” ' From the start the reader is gripped by the plight o f the little heroine, who, finding she is not loved at home, suddenly leaves it and goes to New York. The characters in the story are cleverly drawn. There is plenty o f action and in ci­ dent, all charm ingly told. Price $2.00 The City of Fire Grace Livingstone Hill In “ The City o f Fire” Mrs. Hill has produced a novel that is sym bolic o f the hu­ man heart. It is a story of intense' interest and appeal, and com bines sw iftly m oving action with a wonderful faith. An even greater book spirit­ ually than her recent suc­ cess, “ The T ryst” . Price $2.00 The Search Grace Livingstone Hill “ T o the list o f pleasing ro­ mances now credited to Grace Livingstone Hill is being added “ The Search” in which a winsom e American girl and a soldier in camp, and at the battle front, furnish theme and m otive for,a care­ fully wrought engaging love story.” g Price $1.75 Finding of Jasper Holt Grace Livingstone Hill “ A love story involving life on a western prairie. . . . . Set .forth in a thrilling manner. The story is, particularly satisfying. It reminds one o f the stories of old-tim e chivalry w h e n knighthood fought in tour­ ney for ladies’ favor.” Price $1.75

Grace Livingstone Hill Mrs. Hill is particularly gifted in her power to de­ pict unusually attractive young girls in a thoroughly human and sym pathetic man­ ner, and in surrounding them with the atm osphere of engrossing reality. “ The Girl from Montana” possesses all the qualities which have made her stories so popular. Price $1.50 The Sealed Packet By Laura Barter Snow A n intensely interesting love story in which the ch ar­ acters are all real men and women living actual lives. And best o f all, the claim s o f Jesus Christ as Savior are not forgotten. A good book to put into the hands o f un­ saved readers o f fiction. Cloth, $1.50 By Laura Barter Snow A delightful story for young girls. A good plot -—well developed— well sus­ tained with the true Gospel teaching running through from beginning to end. Price $1.00 By Laura Barter Snow Just the kind of a story that you should put into the hands o f a young girl that you wanted to have know the Gospel story o f Salvation through the shed blood of Jesus. Price $1.00 A Stray Sunbeam Ruth’ s Roses

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