King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books

i®£Young People

Where Satan Sows His Seed; or The Amusements of Modem Society By M. B. W illiams The book consists o f plain talks on the Card Table, the W ine Glass, the Theater, and the Dance. The Herald and Presbyter says o f it: "It is a clear testim ony on the sub­ ject; and a fearful array o f frightful evidence, the valid­ ity o f which cannot be gain­ said." Price, Cloth, 40c The Christian and Amusements Dr. W . E. Biederwolf Is it wrong to dance? Is it a sin to play cards? Is it harmful to attend the thea­ ter? "The best thing in print on the subject." This great lecture b y Dr. Biederwolf has had a circulation o f tens of thousands o f copies. Cloth, 35c; Manila, 20c Across the Dead Line o f Amusements By Henry W . Stough The contents o f this book are the substance o f lectures which Mr. Stough had o cca ­ sion to give in his nation­ wide evangelistic labors. Fair and adequate reasons are given for his opposition to the Theater, Cards, and the Dance. W ritten to warn young people especially. Price, Cloth, 75c Morals o f the Moving Picture Show By J. M. Stanfield A discussion o f this popu­ lar and growing amusement from the standpoint o f the Bible. The ordinary m oving picture show is tested by the Bible standard o f morals. Price 6c doz.; 50c per 100

rhe Dance o f Death— Should Christians Indulge? By R ev. John R oach Straton, D . D. A re the m odern dances a sign o f degeneracy in the human race? Are they a serious menace, physically, mentally, and m orally to the rising generation? Should the church today relax its attitude o f opposition to such w o rldly indulgences ? This is one o f the strong­ est books on the dance that has yet been issued. Its ar­ guments are unanswerable. This book should be put into the hands o f every father and m other as well as into the hands o f every young person. Price 2 5c; 12 for $2.50 The Devil in Modem Society By James W illiam Lowber Few books on the sins and. perils o f m odern society have attracted m ore attention than this justly celebrated work. D octor Lowber por­ trays in vivid fashion the character and consequences of our modern social pagan­ ism. He deals with Gam­ bling, the Dance, Profanity, the Theater, Mammonism, and other prevalent social evils. Price, Cloth, $1.50 The Lure of the Dance By T . A . Faulkner This is the very best as well as the strongest book dealing with the evils o f the dance that has yet been is­ sued. W ritten as it was, by a form er dancing school teacher, this book reveals se­ crets o f the dancing school and dance halls that could not be known except by per­ sonal participation in the scenes and events described. Price 50, Paper

Prodigal Daughters By Joseph H ocking This is not a religious book in any sense of that term» but it is exceedingly whole- ' som e nevertheless. Present day conditions are fearlessly presented in such a way as to hold the reader spell­ bound until the last page is reached. It is a frank up- to-date story. A powerful piece o f .writing in which the famous novelist graph­ ically describes the strug­ gles against the flood o f new m orals and ethics - and dress o f the younger genera­ tion o f women. Price $1.75 The Menace o f Immorality in Church and State By R ev. John Roach Straton, D . -D. Messages -of W rath and Judgment. Is Am erica being destroyed, like ancient Greece and Rome, by Immorality? This is the startling question raised b y this book. His arraignment o f worldliness in the churches is m erciless; the facts which he gives are startling, and his picturesque presentation is gripping and profoundly stirring. Price, Cloth, $1.75 The Menace of the Movies By R . A . Torrey This tract presents in terse, strong language the wicked and corrupt practices o f the Movie. Dr. Torrey say s: "The attitude that serious-m inded Christian peo­ ple ought to take toward the whole institution is not d if­ ficult to discover, if one really wishes to please G od." A good tract to be placed in the hands o f theater-going church members. 10c per doz.; 50c per 100

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