King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books

—thc Sunday School

How to Conduct a Sunday School Marion Lawrence This is the book on Sunday School ^ Management. The writer is a close and clear­ headed observer o f Sun­ day ^ School history, ten­ dencies, m ethods, and a man who has had years o f close touch with the living school and its problem s. This book is full o f just the facts you need and the plans that you can put into operation in pour own school. Price $1.50 The forw ord says, “ This is the first attem pt to gather into page form any effort to understand the adolescent and the Sunday School together. It is not so much to under­ stand the b oy and the girl as to discover how the local Sunday School may meet the boy and girl need, that fills these pages. The book is com posed o f thirty-one chap­ ters, each written by an au­ thority on the teen age and the book as a whole is the best that we know o f on that subject. Price $1.50 Sunday School Organized for Service Marion •Lawrence This book explains in de­ tail the relation o f the church, to the Sunday School, the duties o f the pastor, the su­ perintendent and what is to be expected o f each o f the various departments and the best ways o f getting results m the Sunday School. Price 75c The Sunday School and the Teens 4 J* L. Alexander

How to Become an Efficient Sunday School Teacher W illiam A . M cKeever The author says, “ In order to be a successful Sunday School teacher one m ust know the individual and under­ stand his whole nature— how he acts and feels and grows while responding normally to his instincts, disposition and desires.” This book aims to give, first an outline o f such a natural course o f life train­ ing; and second, to explain how the religious part can be fitted into this larger and more com plete schem e o f character unfoldment. Price $1.25 The Teacher Training Class And How to Conduct It Smilie F. Kearney Teachers and Superintend­ ents will find this book a helpful treatise on a m ost important subject. It is a comprehensive statement of tested m ethods b y one who is not a mere theorist, but who has faced and solved the problems o f which she writes. Price 75c The Sunday School Teacher at His Best A . H. McKinney This book shows how suc­ cessful teaching depends on personality, and how*that per­ sonality can be developed along physical, mental, social and Spiritual lines. It is a book to read and re-read and practice. It is an aid, a tool and a guide. Price 75c

The Ideal Adult Class in the Sunday School Am os W ells This book is a little en­ cyclopedia o f the adult class containing the largest and \ com plete manual o f principles and m ethods. It will tell you everything you want *° know about the adult Bible class. Price 75c How to Plan a Lesson Marianna C. Brown | T ° those engaged in Sun­ day School work and Bible Class work, even when they possess some knowledge o f the technic' o f teaching, the preparation o f a lesson often presents difficulties that are discouraging. "H ow to plan a Lesson” will then be found to be a very helpful guide. P rice 60c The Practical Commentary, 1923 On the International Sunday School Lessons. •11 its hints to teachers, illustrations, blackboard ex­ ercises, questions, maps, etc., this popular help has for many years supplied the need for a good, all-round com ­ m entary at a popular price. Cloth, 9 0 c' The Gist o f the Lesson, 1923 A Commentary on the Inter­ national S. S. Lessons. Dr. R. A . Torrey To those who have p os­ sessed and used form er is­ sues that for this year will need no comm endation. It is not only handy in form but wondrously com plete.”— Christian Intelligencer. Flexible Cloth, 35c

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