King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books on the

Sunday School

Rapid Hand Drawing By L . O. Brown A book designed especially for those who are using or want to use chalk w ork in teaching. The author explains tne fundamentals and principles o f the m ethods used in pre­ paring a chalk talk in such a way that even the m ost inex­ perienced can grasp the idea. Price 50c By John Ritchie This book presents a series o f illustrations that can be reproduced with chalk on an ordinary blackboard b y al­ m ost anyone. Teachers will find that the use o f this book will stimulate an interest in their classes. Children espe­ cially enjoy picture talks. . Price 75c Chalk Talks By R ev. Frank Miller The author o f these chalk talks is one o f the m ost successful evangelists am ong children in the southwestern portion o f the United States. This book contains seven o f his best blackboard illustra­ tions, together with the necessary descriptive m atter so that any one could use them. Paper, 25c Through Eye-Gate to Heart-Gate By Hy Pickering H ow to get the truths o f Scripture hid in the hearts of Sunday School pupils has long been a problem . This splendid book show s that a sure m ethod is to be found through the E ye-gate which offers an always open chan­ nel. Many helpful illustra­ tions are given. Cloth, $1.00 Picture Talk»

Blackboard Efficiency By R. F. Y . Pierce, D. D. A suggestive m ethod for the use o f Crayon and B lack­ board. Fully illustrated. Dr. Pierce presents no "untried theories,” nor elab­ orate pictures, but gives a wealth o f simple outlines, sym bols, sketches, forms, lines and com binations ,which may be quickly drawn to stimulate the imagination and aid in imparting the truths o f the lesson. The exercises cover a w ide range o f illus* trative w ork .' Cloth, $1.50

Bible Boys and Girls Stuart N ye Hutchinson, D. D . Every one o f these stories has an appeal that will reach and stir and win the hearts o f children. They cover a variety o f subjects, and the truths are clothed in lan­ guage that reveals. Great themes are discussed and presented in such a man­ ner as to make them, level to the reach o f the child mind. Cloth, $1.25 Boy’ s-Eye Views o f the Sunday School By JTwfâSP* A series o f shrewd com* ments from the b oy’s stand­ points as to the strong and weak points in Sunday Schools he has visited. Full o f keen constructive criti­ cism . Every Sunday School w orker who deals with boys should have this book. P rice 75c The Blackboard Class F or Sunday School Teachers B y Florence H . Darnell This is just the b ook that Sunday School teachers have been looking for. . It gives in, a series o f simple lessons the fundamental principles o f blackboard drawing. The book abounds in illustra­ tions. Price 50c

How to Make and Show 100 Eye-Gate Lessons By H y Pickering

Pastor» and teachers who are beginning to appreciate the fact that instruction re­ ceived through the eye is re­ tained longer than inform a­ tion gained in any other way will w elcom e this very sug­ gestive book w hose title tells the story o f its contents. A b ook full o f illustrations and useful, information. Cloth, $1.00 Bright Beams from the Blackboard By H y Pickering The illustrations given in this b ook show how a black­ board can be effectively used b y a person who is not regu­ larly regarded as an artist A nybody w ho can hold s piece o f chalk can use some o f the pictures. Some per sons will use them all. Cloth, $1.00

Object Lessons for Junior Work Ella N. W ood

The object o f this book is to bring to teachers o f Jun­ iors an idee o f making and using ob ject lessons which are simple in construction, and which will com e within the means o f every Sunday School. P rice 75c

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