King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books on the

Sunday School

The Use o f the Story in Religious Education M argaret W . Eggleston In this remarkable book a great artist lets the audience behind the screens and shows how they too, may becom e m asters o f the art o f story telling. The author says, “ I have written this b ook b e­ cause I have longed to help teachers and workers with boys and girls in Religious Education. It is for those who are eager to know ’How’.” Price $1.50 Stories and Story Telling Edward P .,St. John “ This little book should be immensely useful to parents and. teachers. Discrim inat­ ing, interesting and instruc­ tive story-telling is an art, and should be studied, and its principles applied, such as are recommended in this book.** Price 85c Hand-Work in the Sunday School The author says, “ Give a boy a model o f Bible study which so verifies the sacred page as to beget a love o f it — as only manual m ethods can— and, in otherw ise Chris­ tian atm osphere, you have gone far towards making a Bible lover o f him.*’ . Those who have never employed hand-w ork in their Sunday School teaching will do well to get this book and study the m ethods outlined. Price $1.00 Lessons for Teachers o f Beginners Frances W . Danielson A very well written b ook of instructions for those whose duty is to teach the very youngest children in the Sun­ day School. The book is a helpful guide. Price 75c

Guiding Boys Over Fool Hill

Guiding Girls to Christian Womanhood A . H . McKinney This is a com panion v o l­ ume to “ Guiding B oys Over Fool Hill.’* Is especially , valuable for all those who have to do with girls either a s, teachers or as those who have them in charge during the critical character form ­ ing period o f their lives. This book lays especial emphasis on guiding girls into real Christian womanhood. Price $1.50 By Margaret Slattery Miss Slattery reads the hearts o f girls like a book, and shows them their need of a religion, not o f facts, but o f a person. Price $1.25 Fireside Stories for Girls in Their Teens Prof. M argaret W . Eggleston The author says in her pre­ face: “ W orkers with girls know this need' o f the 'girl and are constantly searching for stories that will--appeal to her. MosfNof these stories have been written because o f the special problem s that -needed to be met— problem s peculiar to adolescence— problem s found in every club and class o f such girls the country over. Price $1.50 John M. Gregory In a careful study o f these seven laws, the discussion reaches every practical rule which can be o f use in a teacher's work. This remark­ able book, which has sold steadily since. 1894, has been com pletely revised a n d brought up to date under the supervision o f Prof. W . G. Bagley. Price 75c Seven Laws o f Teaching The Girl and Her Religion

B y A . H. McKinney Dr. M cKinney writes out o f forty years o f intim ate a c­ quaintance with boys o f all kinds, on the difficulties and even dangers which surround boys approaching maturity, discusses, too, the b oy’s view point, and frankly in­ dicates how qnd why teach­ ers and preachers, and even parents, so often fail in their efforts to induce him to a c ­ cept wisdom and guidance. The book also contains some valuable suggestions as to how boys should be dealt with when arriving at a period o f definite religious awakening. Price, Cloth, $1.50 Helps Over Hard Places for Boys By Lynde Palmer Mrs. Palmer is one o f the m ost natural and charm ing .writers f o r . boys and girls, .and in these sketches boys will find the best possible props for. the weak spots in their characters.. Price 75c Around the Campfire With the Older Boys P rof. M argaeètfW i Eggleston A collection o f stories to tell at' thè campfire, in the house and the class. In the author's words, “ These stories are designed to create in the life o f the b o y a desire for the great and the noble.** Price $1.50 The Sunday School Between Sundays E. C. Knapp Pastors, teachers and all others, who w ork am ong folk will find., tfyw :book o f great interest -ana 0 special value. Mr. K n app. offers a large number o f ideas and sugges­ tions all 'o f which are prac­ tical and capable o f tangible realization. Price $1.25

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