King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books about Missions and Missionaries

Christiana Forsyth o f Fingoland W . P. Livingstone Am ong the m ost fascinat­ ing annals o f m issionary b io­ graphy* Aw ay o ff in Fingo­ land down in southeast A fri­ ca^ Christiana Forsyth or “ Smoyana,** as she was adoringly called b y the Kafirs gave the thirty years o f her life to work among one of the wildest, and m ost treach­ erous tribes in the dark con ­ tinent. Price $1.50 Chinese Diamonds for the King o f Kings M rs. Jonathan Goforth This book gives definite answer to the questions, “ Do Missions P a y ?” and “ A fter all, are there any real Chris­ tians in China?” In it Mrs. G oforth gives som e interest­ ing facts known to her through her many long jour­ neys thru the land. P rice $1.00 African Adventurers Jean Kenyon Mackenzie These stories o f African life have that fascinating realism and wonderful a t­ m osphere . o f the author's “ Black Sheep.“ B oys and girls as well as older people will becom e interested in these simple, childlike people, and M issions in A frica will becom e a lasting reality tb them. Cloth, $1.25 Story o f JohnG.Paton or 30 Years Among South Sea Cannibals R ev. James Paton, B. A . Told for young folks. This is a very fascinating book. W e assure our readers that they will be loath to lay this book down until finished. It is replete with thrilling ad­ ventures. . Price $1.50

The Lure o f the Leopard Skin

Four books o f NEW M is­ sionary stories by Margaret T. A pplegarth that are ex­ ceedingly interesting. Friday’ s Footsteps Thirty - nine m issionary stories remarkable for life­ like m ovem ents and vivid coloring. A m ost charm ing presentation o f the . appeal o f world-w ide m issions. Cloth, $1.50 Missionary Stories for Little Folks First Series— Prim ary F ifty-tw o brief stories which cover the world o f m issions, both home ' and foreign; told in simple, lan­ guage and illustrated by 52 drawings and verses. Cloth, $1.75 Missionary Stories for Little Folks Second Series— Junior Fifty-tw o true stories o f foreign and home m issions for older children, illus­ trated in a suggestive and original way,— a book that nils a real need for class use and for hom e instructions. Cloth, $1.75 Next-Door Neighbors A volum e o f fascinating in­ terest in which the traits and characteristics o f the peoples o f the various nations who have made their homes with- m the confines o f the United States, are clearly and truth- roily dePicted* Cloth, $1.25 These stories are written not only to tell facts, but t0. ,create an attitude o f mind towards m issionary work around the w orld which shall be Unconsciously' retained long after the de­ tails .of- the stories them ­ selves are forgotten.

By Josephine H . W estervelt A stirring story o f adven­ ture centered around experi­ e n c e s o f a young American who goes into A frica chiefly in search o f adventure. This he finds in good measure and something else besides. He has encounters with wild animals— has narrow escapes from death and tropical diseases— and, best o f all, while in the wilds he com es upon a m ission station and through daily con tact with the m issionaries he com es to know their Saviour and b e­ com es imbued with their spirit. A delightful romance is interwoven which holds the reader's attention from begin­ ning to end. Cloth, $1.75 The Missionary Enterprise Edwin Munsell Bliss This book gives a com pact form , avaliable for students and those who have not the leisure or opportunity for m ore extended study, a gen­ eral survey o f the progress o f M issions. The Continent says o f this b ook : “ If a man desires but one book on M is­ sions this is the one he can­ not- afford to m iss.” P rice $1.50 Children’s Missionary Story-Sermons By Hugh T. Kerr, D . D. An. excellent book which c a n . scarcely fail to be o f great practical use. A book that will interest the children and help the preacher, teach­ er or m ission-band leader over many hard spots. Dr. Kerr has gathered stories about individuals, focusing the lessons in the personali­ ties o f the men and women o f the m ission field about whom he writes. Cloth, $1.25

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