King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books about Missions and Missionaries

New Acts' of the Apostles

Hudson Taylor in Early Years

Adventured in Alaska S. Hall Young Dr. Y oung’s experiences have been both wide and val­ ued, and he relates them with zest and vigor. His stories in no w ay suffer when set in com parison with those in­ vented by writers o f popular fiction and have the added quality o f being the record of genuine experience and personal adventures which befell the veteran m issionary in the frozen, north. P rice $1.50 Mary Slessor o f Calabar W . P . Livingston The life story o f Mary Slessor o f Calabar is the m is­ sionary book o f the period. It is a book o f surpassing interest and gives, n ot only a vivid picture o f life in the African bush, but also the power o f a life that was glorified and transfigured by a full devotion to her Lord. Price $2.00 The Future o f Africa Donald Fraser This book was written in the heart o f A frica and de­ picts the conditions o f A fri­ can life and m ission w ork as they actually are without the glam our o f romance, o r the distortion o f a m isconceived perspective. It deals soiely with pagan A frica and m is­ sion w ork am ong the pagan races. P rice $1.00 India Inklings By M argaret T . Apple garth Delightful Stories for lit­ tle folks o f ' life and m ission w ork in India. H ow could any youngster take his eyes from such stories as ’’Church Bell Billy Turns Into a B ook­ seller” or "H ow Grandfather A te His Relatives” , especial­ ly, when illustrated b y the author in her own inimitable way. ^ _________ Cloth, $1.50

Dr. and M rs. H ow ard Taylor This book makes no claim to b e anything but a timely and grateful record o f the L ord’s dealing with Hudson Taylor in the early years of the China Inland M ission, It is not fiction, though the form is which it com es to us is unusual, perhaps, for a biography. It is the faithful story o f the growth o f a soul in the knowledge and love o f God. Price $3.00

Dr. A . T. Pierson This book very cleverly de­ picts the marvels ò f modern m issions. It com pares the Christian Church in the nineteenth century with the church o f the first .century, especially in their m issionary aspects, and brings out the features o f resemblance and o f contrast between them. No student o f m issions can afford to be without this book. Cloth, $1.50 Fifty Missionary Heroes Every Boy and Girl Should Know John H . Johnston If you wish to get boys and girls interested in m is­ sions— if you wish to keep them interested, nothing will aid you m ore than the lives o f great M issionaries. While :his booK does not give a long detailed account o f the life o f each m issionary it does give all the essential facts and: you .will find it excep­ tionally helpful. Price $1.25 The Why and How o f Foreign Missions A rthur J. Brown This book gives a succinct statement o f those o f the m odern foreign . m issionary entreprises which are o f spe­ cial. interest to laymen. It discusSes the chief m otives that prom pt to foreign m is­ sionary efforts, the objects that are sought, the m ethods o f handling and adm inister­ ing funds, thè kind o f per­ sons who are appointed to m issionary service,: the work they are doing, the difficul­ ties they encounter, the spirit they m anifest and the o b je c­ tions and criticism s which disturb so many people at h om e .,J Price 75c

Hudson Taylor, and theChina Inland Mission

Dr. and M rs. H oward Taylor This book tells the story o f the later years o f the China Inland M ission and is a con ­ tinuation o f the story begun in *’Hudson Taylor in Early Years.” I t : is a marvelous record o f the grow th o f a work o f God, so marvelous m fact,' that if we did not know that it was an a bso­ lutely true record o f eyents we would be inclined to class it as pure fiction! Price $3.75 Pastor Hsi, One of China’ s Christians Mrs. H oward Taylor This is a very unusual story about a very unusual man. A s one reads it he is forced to say, ’’Truth cer­ tainly is stranger than fic­ tion.!* -T h is book gives the life story o f a man who was one o f China’s Scholars but who through the opium habit descendend to the lowest depths that it would seem possible, for* a human to go, and then, Christ came, into his* life, it was transformed and he becam e an outstand­ in g figure, for Cod. One of China’s great Christians. Price (clo th ), $2.00

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