King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books about Missions and Missionaries

China From Within Charles Ernest Scott A striking and engrossing account o f the inner life of China written b y a man who has an unusual faculty for understanding the psychol­ o g y o f this baffling race. Those who desire to acquaint them selves with the w onder­ ful resources o f China, its present condition and future possibilities, will find Dr. S cott’s book is a mine o f well classified information. Price $2.00 Captain Bickel o f the Inland Sea Charles Kendall Harrington The death o f Captain Luke W . Bickel closed a career of earthly service unique in m odern m issionary annals. Captain Bickel was a man of splendid constructive ability and his work on the ;Gospel Ship o f the Inland Sea of Japan, created an unusual interest in both the man and his m ission. P rice $1.75 Outline of Missionary History A lfred D eW itt Mason, D. D. The very best single v o l­ ume hand-book o f m issionary activity from the ■, . earliest times to the present day. P rice $1.50 In the Valley o f the Nile Charles R. W atson This is the handbook on Egypt in its relation to Chris­ tianity and Christian M is­ sions. It very clearly shows that m issionary work in E gypt has unusual claims upon the student o f world m ovem ents. It tells o f early introduction o f the Christian faith, the subsequent decay o f the m ovem ent, and then gives a splen did. record o f m odern m issionary progress b y ” The Am erican M ission,” during the past fifty years. Price $1.50

The Cross in Japan Fred Eugene Hagin This book is a study in achievement and opportun­ ity. It gives the reader a birds-eye view o f the whole m issionary situation in Ja­ pan. Past achievements are set forth in a very «effective w ay and made the basis for the presentation o f the very great opportunities for serv­ ice now open and for the appeal for workers. P rice $2.00 Through the Wilderness o f Brazil W illiam A zel Cook Down the m ighty fivers o f Brazil sailed Cook distribut­ ing Christian literature. He found darkness, even degra­ dation clutching vast areas. This book contains the 58 best pictures taken, pictures o f strange nature custom s; o f cruel rites; pictures of the T ropics. His graphic pen alm ost takes y o u . with his expedition down ;the rivers and through the forests. An exceedingly interesting book. Price $2.00 Ann o f Ava Ethen Daniels Hubbard The thrilling story o f Ann H asseltine Judson in her New England girlhood and adventurous pioneer life ‘ in Burma is inspiring material for the older intermediate boys and girls. Paper, 5 0c; Cloth, $1.00 Lord o f the Devil’ s Paradise G. Sydney Paternoster This book unfolds a story that is alm ost beyond belief — the grim story o f rubber collection in the far away re­ gion o f the upper Amazon. It tells a tale o f horrors so abom inable that it is diffi­ cult to associate them with beings in whom a single spark o f ordinary humanity lingers. Price $1.75

A Prince o f the Church in India J. C. R. Ewing

A remarkable record o f the life o f Rev. Kali Charan Chatteryee, who was for for­ ty-eight years a m issionary at H oshyarpur, India. Dr. Ewing has drawn a noble picture o f a rich and devoted life. He has made no m is­ sionary argument, nor sug­ gested any m issionary apolo­ getic, but no apologetic or argument could equal the appeal and evidence o f such a life. One such man is worth any expenditure., Price 75c One Thousand Miles o f Miracles in China A rchibald F. Glover This is a book entirely out o f the ordinary. It is a m ar­ velous 372 pages o f m ission­ ary romance, unexcelled in history. The reading o f it draws forth many tears, many prayers and m ore praises. Price $1.25 Anna Coope; This book will give you hours o f delight and a rich fund o f inform ation. It tells o f the new women and chil­ dren o f San Bias Islands, off the coast o f Central America. U tterly alone, M iss: Coope took the sweetness o f home- life and civilization to this isolated people. : Price $1.25 From Far Formosa George L . Mackay A' remarkable record o f thirty-three years m issionary labor in a little known about country. This is a book that should b e in the library of every one who would be thor­ oughly posted in foreign m issions. Price $1.25 Sky Pilot o f the San Bias Indians An A utobiography—

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