King's Business - 1922-10

“Best” Books about Missions and Missionaries Sadhu Sundar Singh Mrs. Arthur Parker The Bells o f the Blue Pagoda

Pioneering in Tibet By A lbert L . Shelton, M. D . ’Dr. Shelton has becom e widely known as having been captured tw o years ago and held for ransom for three months by a Chinese robber band. In a simple and straightforw ard way the au­ thor^ tells the story o f his m issionary career o f eighteen pears. It is a thrilling record o f brave and devoted serv­ ice, attended b y no little hardship and danger, on the part o f the little group o f pioneers who have penetrated farthest into the forbidden land at Tibet from the China side.; Cloth, $1.25 Great Missionaries for Young People By Jeanne M . Serrell Stories of: D evotion and H eroism on the foreign M is­ sion Fields. Records o f deeds o f .cou r­ age and devotion done on the m ission fields o f the world. Instinct with the spirit o f the Great Comm ission, they re­ tell, in a delightful and re­ freshing way, the stories o f the great missionaries— Ca­ rey, Judson, Paton,. L iving­ stone, Hudson Taylor, Mary Slessor; Coillard, and others. Cloth, $1.25 The Career o f a Cobbler The Life Story o f W illiam Carey By M argaret T . A pplegarth A bandoning the usual b io ­ graphical m ethods, Miss A p ­ plegarth has Vishmuswam, a Hindu, tell the life story o f W illiam Carey to an incred­ ulous listener. A s the story is unfolded, the reader catches the spell o f Carey’s wonderful life as it grips the skeptical Hindu. The tale is told in warm, convincing fashion, marked b y much genuine local color, and charged with the glam our o f the East. Cloth, 75c

The m arvellously interest­ ing story o f one o f India's m ost f remarkable native Christians. His story, ably told by Mrs. Arthur Parker, reads like a book o f A postolic a d ­ venture. R ejected b y his family he has becom e India’s forem ost evangelist. B y all means buy» read and circulate this splendid book. Cloth, $1.25 Missionary Heroes o f Africa R ev. J. H . M orrison Mr. M orrison writes from first-hand knowledge as he has traveled far and wide in A frica for many years. No man today is better qualified, both because o f the original material which he has gath­ ered and because o f his skill as a writer, to tell the story of these great mien* A book o f rare interest to both old and young. Cloth, $1.50 Grenfell o f the Labrador Dillon W allace ■ H aving himself braved the hardships and perils o f the Labrador country, and know ­ ing well how to reach his boy-audience, Dillon W allace has produced a story o f the- great Labrador M issionary and Benefactor, which should quickly take a front place am ong W allace's popular stories o f adventure in the Far North. A story for boys. Illustrated. Cloth, $1.50 Chinese Heart Throbs Jennie V . Hughes A charm ing tender series o f sketches and stories w rit­ ten b y one who has a rare insight into and sympathy with the people o f China am ong whom she has labored many years as a m issionary. Cloth, $1.50

Jean Carter Cochran This book is, b y many, re­ garded as the' best story o f the' life in China that has been put out thus far. It is true to life, to every phase o f life you touch. Nothing is overdrawn. A ll the ch arac­ ters are true to what has happened in recent years. Cloth, $1.75 Stories from Foreign Lands By Cora Banks Pierce and Hazel N orthrop The scenes o f these fa s­ cinating tales are set in far- off corners o f the earth. Children o f Turkey, Persia, Armenia, A frica and "th e isles o f the sea” are portray­ ed with skillful hand, and given a wealth o f interesting, and yet nowise improbable adventure. W ell calculated to stimulate interest in m is­ sionary endeavor, especially in junior circles. Cloth, $1.25 The Book of Missionary Heroes Basil Mathews This book tells stories o f the thrilling adventures and daring acts o f the great heroes o f sea and land who have faced .perils am ong wild beasts and wilder men,, to tell them o f the love o f God. Every story is not only his­ torically told, but the narra­ tive is accurate in détail. Cloth, $1.50 I Lamplighters Across the Sea By M argaret T . Applegarth In this book boys and girls now have the story o f the translation o f the Bible into the language o f m ission fields and its wonderful influence in transform ing vthe life o f the people o f these lands. •loth, $1.25

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