King's Business - 1922-10

Fundamentals Conference Notes (Continued from September Number) Jotted-Down From Addresses Given in Los Angeles, June 25-July 2

salvation? Then let us speak with au­ thority as ambassadors from the Court of Heaven to a lost world. May God deliver us from compromising and cow­ ardly messengers of Jehovah. Many titles are given the devil in the Scrip­ ture—the father of lies, the dragon, a roaring lion, a serpent. If he appeared in any of these aspects that would be enough for me, but you know we do sometimes entertain angels -unawares, and there is another name given him which describes his most dangerous dis-. guise—‘an angel of light.’ When the devil puts on a long-tailed coat and goes into the pulpit or occupies a chair in some college or seminary, then—beware! The time has come for us to cry aloud and be on our guard lest some preacher or teacher come to us with the hands of orthodoxy but the voice of infidelity.”— (Dr. J. Frank Norris.) “On the front line, in the recent war, were some American soldiers and the terrific warfare was giving them its worst when their young captain, just an Amer­ ican boy, was struck by a passing shell and almost instantly had to pass over into the other world. Lying there in his own blood, gasping for breath, the sol­ dier boy captain looked up into the eyes of his lieutenant and said, ‘The order is forward,’ and fell back dead. iff say to you, my fellow men, the order from the King’s throne, the great Com­ mander of the armies of the living God, is ‘Forward in your Christian principle and practice! Forward, until in. every quarter of this entire globe men and women shall be brought into the king-

"We are having our children taught today in our schools and colleges and universities a little of pretty much every form of knowledge except the one all important knowledge, the knowledge of God. It is not permitted in our public schools in California to teach the Bible (which is the only Book in which God has fully revealed Himself); but the teachers in our public schools are per­ mitted to teach our children and do teach them a crass and ill-digested Evo­ lutionism which undermines their faith in the Bible. Already the exclusion of the Bible from our schools and the views of God which have been taught them, are undermining the morals of our boys and girls and working such a carnival of youthful lust and impurity and reckless­ ness and falsehood and dishonesty and Bolshevism among the rising generation as is appalling.”—(Dr. R. A. Torrey.) "The Church is the only institution that Jesus Christ ever established. The trouble with it today is that it has too many inside wheels and too much out­ side machinery. Its failures are due to the fact that it is trying to keep all those ten thousand wheels on the move. * * * What shall we teach and what shall we preach? Not some social pro­ gram or moral uplift, but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. * * * The need of this hour is the need of every hour. When the truth is taught in love and preached with courage, sinners will begin falling down and crying out, What must we do to be saSred?’ Do we preachers honestly believe and realize and feel that the Gospel is the very power of God unto


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