King's Business - 1922-10

THE K I N G ' S B US I NE S S known, its only proper sphere, when it assumes to deny that the Infinite God has revealed or can reveal Himself in His Word, His Son, His Spirit. The things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. We have the right to demand of the wisdom of this world whose highest, and it asserts that there is nothing above and apart from Nature, nothing in all the boundless universe except matter and force. Why shall we. give up all that man holds dear at the bidding of the wisdom of this world whose highest, and best, and. latest' revelation is “ a grave without a resurrection, and a universe without a God” ? The man of faith does not affirm the uselessness of earthly wisdom, but he does affirm that it has utterly failed to find out and know the true and living God. However useful and valuable the wisdom of this world may be in its ap­ propriate sphere, it has never yet given to men that knowledge of God upon which his soul could rest in satisfaction and peace. The world by wisdom has never known God. At no time, in no country, among no people, has man ever been able to make God known to his fellow-men. Without the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the True and living God had ever been the “Unknown God” . The wise men of this world, filled with philosophy falsely so-called, ask, first, that we give up the miracles of the Old Testament; then the impreca­ tory Psalms; then the “ immoral parts” of the Scriptures; then, the “ vindictive and bloody laws of Moses” ; then, Moses himself; then, all the Prophets; then, the miracles of the New Testament; then, the Apocalypse; then, the doctrine of eternal retribution; then, the Holy Ghost; . then, Inspiration; then, Jesus Christ; then, God Himself— this is the modest demand of the unbelieving wis­ dom of our day and generation; this is substituting “ knowledge of Nature for

1004 ought to remember how much Science owes to Christian men— to men who be­ lieved in a Personal God; who believe in His Written Word, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, the Crucified and Risen Redeemer. What shall be said of the pious Christian, Copernicus, consecrat­ ing his life to God, to man, to science; who pioneered his way into the un­ known universe, as the great Columbus of the heavens? What of the Christian Galileo, who, while teaching the facts of science, also believed the truths of Scripture? What of the leaders in all de­ partments of human progress, immortal names familiar as household words— wliat of Bacon, and Kepler, and Newton, and Herschel, and Hugh Miller? Or, later still, what of Chalmers, McCosh, Morse, Dawson, Southall, Cabell, Le Conte, Henry and hosts of others who lead the vanguard of the army of in­ vestigation and discovery in all the vast domain of human knowledge? The man of faith may point to these- intellectual giants, and claim them as the humble disciples of the lowly Nazarene— as firm believers in the Written Word of God. They led the onward march of human thought, but bowed in devout adoration before a Personal God. How dense a darkness would envelop the race were all the light kindled by Christian men banished from the horizon of human knowledge. But let it be remembered that the wisdom of this world is for this world only—-not for the world to come. Its proper sphere is the seen and the tangi­ ble; the Here and the Now, not in the Unseen, the Hereafter, the Eternal. The wisdom of man has passed out of its proper sphere when it invades the do­ main of the Invisible and the Infinite; when it denies that the Omnipresent Per­ sonal Spirit can reveal to man that which the eye never saw, the ear never heard, and the heart never conceived. It has passed the boundary of the


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