King's Business - 1922-10


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

At the close of our meeting we organ­ ized a Bible training class among the men, planning to meet once a week for Bible teaching with a view to work­ ing among their own countrymen. We trust that these ten men may be pre­ pared through the study of God’s Word

and the Holy Spirit so that they may become useful in the vineyard of the Lord. We covet the prayers of God’s peo­ ple for this work that many more may accept the Lord and know Him as their personal Saviour. afe jig mosphere seems charged with Satanic influence. To some this would be a good chance to quit, but as the meet­ ing progresses, some join with us in the singing and others stop playing pool or cards. They have become in­ terested and before we realize it they are listening and seem to be very ap­ preciative. After a heart to heart mes­ sage we close, and then it is that we see the results. Some want to speak to us personally, while others grasp our hand and thank us for coming. Is it worth while? Certainly! This is what happened the other day. At the close of our meeting, after speaking to several personally, a young conductor followed us out and said, “ Sir, I’m a backslider, and I want to come back to Christ.” After showing him how he could do this and being sure that he did, he asked about some of the Bible classes. Now he wants to enter the Evening School in the Fall. It is work of this character that keeps us from growing discouraged and helps us say, “ Praise the Lord.”^ Pray for us.

WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt. — Meetings held in shops, factories, car-barns and fire engine ' houses in Los Angeles.

O some Christian workers the shop and car barn work might be disheartening and discouraging, for there are

many things which tend to make one so. There are always those who are opposed to the Word and to our work, and sometimes it is with a great deal of difficulty that we get a hearing at all. Especially is this true of the car barn work. (■ Let us give you a brief sketch of one of the_ meetings held but a couple of weeks ago. The place of the meet­ ing is one of the five divisions of the Los Angeles Railway Company. - The time to reach the most of these men is between the rush hour runs, so at 2:30 we step into the reading and rest room. A- large number of conductors and motormen are there. Some are reading, some playing cards, and others playing pool, while still others are just lounging on the seats, waiting for their time to go to work. The men seem restless as we place our baby organ in their midst, and commence to sing. Gur music is not welcome, and the at­

WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A. Vaus, Supt. — Bible Classes and Personal W ork, Street Meetings and Semi-Monthly Mass Meetings for Jews o f Lgs Angeles.

EWISH missionary work is by no means a “ bed of roses.” So much misunderstanding concerning, and prejudice against, Christianity exist in the Jew-

ish mind that as a result the worker’s way is beset by many difficulties. Is­ rael as a nation is still blind, still fol­ lowing the old, traditional, Talmudical interpretation of the Old Testament,

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