King's Business - 1922-10

1033 it is capable of adding sweetness and strength to that character. Life is not an entertainment which we have to en­ joy, but an education to which we are called to submit.—H. Bisseker. ¿Vg. ^Ug. JUST REJOICE Henry Ward Beecher: one can see him yet, standing before his people there at Plymouth Church, where he was ever at his best—Bible in hand. “Finally, my brethren,” he reads, “rejoice in the Lord.” Then a pause. “Paul is trying to think of some better last word to speak,” he says, sotto voce, “but he can’t find it. And presently he cries out, ‘And again I say — well — just rejoice’ — that is enough.”

THE K I N G ' S B US I NE S S THE EDUCATION OP PAIN “Suffer therefore with long patience, brethren” (Jas. 5 :7 )—-A. V. Margin. Men are constantly asking: why does Qod allow suffering? .If He were al­ mighty, would not His

WHY SHE WEPT Here is a pathetic picture from real life (a true story of today) which carries with it a lesson of tremendous import for God’s stewards who are being deceived by supposedly reputable Christian leaders who solicit and secure their funds for religious purposes and then invest them in schools, seminaries and missionary projects where God’s Word is denied and the shed blood of Jesus Christ is derided. “ A certain widow walked into the study of a well-known pastor who is an earnest defender of the faith once for all delivered to the saints and with tears streaming down her face said to him: ‘Dr. — ---------- , you know that my husband believed the Bible just as you do, and that when he gave the money to establish and endow th e ------- ------ Theological Seminary, it was his desire that only sound orthodox theology should be taught there. Now all kinds of new theology and higher criticism are being taught in that Seminary. I am heartbroken about the matter and yet there is nothing I can do to change the conditions.’ ” There are reliable, responsible agencies where money can be invested and assurance given that it will be used for the spread of the true Gospel and where spiritual results are certain. Every giver of large or small sums has a God-given right to ask definite questions concerning their investment, and they will be held responsible in this matter when the books are opened. Do not flatter yourself that denominational gifts for home or foreign work are always used to glorify God. We know of some that have been used to glorify the devil. Beware! Use practical sense! To give money to a school or mission­ ary cause where there is any question as to their position regarding the doctrine of the Virgin birth and atoning blood of your Saviour, is to hurt the heart of our Lord, hinder His cause and commit a heinous crime against your fellow men. Beware! —T- C. H.

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