King's Business - 1922-10

986 THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S Christian schools were once the pride of our nation. Now many are the progeny of Satan: Once the authenticity of the Bible was affirmed. Now the interrogation'point is used concerning its integrity. So-called “ intel­ lect” takes the place of intelligence; so-called “ scholarship” , the place of sound sense. Where are these Christian schools? We want to know where a Chris­ tian father or mother can send a young man or woman to be educated where the Bible is given its proper place in the formation of character, free from the poison so prevalent in our present day halls of learning. We have many inquiries. Where are the schools? —T. C. H. A CREEDLESS CHURCH The definite and determined demand of the enemies of God’s Word within the ranks of the evangélical church is for a CREEDLESS CHURCH. Their slogan is “ The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.” The Unitarians, the Universalists, the Higher Critics, the Modernists, the Evolutionists,—all unite in opposition to any creed (except their own), and all clamor for the acceptance of their own intérpretation of the thir­ teenth chapter of First Corinthians, and accuse those who believe the whole Word of God of being lacking in love because they do not sit quietly by and allow them to deceive the saints and destroy their faith.. They charge those who stand with the fathers of the church and in defense of the faith, with dividing the church, a most bare-faced, brazen untruth. We have not de­ parted from the position always held by the evangelical church, but they have, and they insist that we love them for doing it. They talk loud. They argue for brotherhood, but they are only agreed upon one thing, and that is, their opposition to a creed. Were they to try to hold a conference and advocate their theories upon the platform there would be a riot and a police call. The politicians pity them, the scientists scorn them, the laymen laugh at them, the Word of God rebukes them—“ How can two walk together except they be agreed?” Every human organization, every secret society, every business asso­ ciation, demand and have a creed upon which they operate. God has a creed—a never-changing creed—and it is written in blood. It binds the Old Testament with its cord o f red. It bathes the New Testament with its crim­ son stream from the veins of the Son of God. There can be no union of the hearts of men with the heart of the Father which is not based upon faith and fellowship in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Everything outside o f that is but one Of the many creeds bom in the heart of Satan, baptized in the blood of Abel and the martyrs, propagated by the emissaries of the devil, and designed to rob God of His glory and our Lord Jesus Christ of His blood-bought heritage. A creedless church is :a silly-, sentimental, seductive and Satanic propa­ ganda to divide the followers of Christ and to dishonor His Holy Word. We love all men. We love the bandits, but we want them arrested and punished. We love the mèn in the jails and penitentiaries and have had THINKING OF CHRISTMAS?

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