King's Business - 1922-10

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What Waste! A tract comes to us in which it is stated that a man at the age pf 73, who had kept a record of his expendi­ tures since 18 years of age, found that he had spent $10,433 for the pleasure of sucking smoke through his mouth and blowing it out again. He frankly acknowledged that he had accomplished nothing in the world. It is certain that he will be judged for his waste of the Lord’s money, and God only knows the good he might have done in the world had he recognized the fact that the Christian’s body is “ the temple of the Holy Ghost” and that believers are “ stewards.” We’re Getting Religious The United States Commissioner of Education estimates that during the year 1920 while the world starved, we expended for joy-riding automobiles, luxurious living, tobacco, jewelry and other unnecessary luxuries $22,700,- 000,000. During the same time we gave to missions to promote the Church of Christ abroad $37,886,040. Or, comparatively, we expended $600 in luxuries for ourselves and $1 to evan­ gelize the world. Behave and Thou Shalt Be Saved A minister in the East, addressing the Sunday School, asked the children why people came to church. A lad re­ plied, “ To learn how to behave.” The minister declared that the boy had a perfect conception of what Christianity is. Someone else remonstrated that “ the Bible says, ‘He that hath the Son hath-life and he that hath not the Son shall not see life.’ ” “ It’s all the same thing,” said the pastor, “ you could just as well put the words, ‘He that behav- eth himself’ in the place of ‘He that

Don’t worry because you find your­ self in the minority in your church as regards the authority of the Bible. Noah was in the minority. Polite Swearing Most of the genteel “ cuss words” are powerful oaths that have been toned down. “ By Jiminy!” for in­ stance, comes from “ Gemini,” the twin pagan gods, and was once an oath in the name of these gods. Would Put Polish on Bryan Prof. Spangler, of West Virginia Uni­ versity, has made public a letter which he wrote to Mr. Bryan, in which he proposes that they both take a course in evolution and modern Christianity at Chicago University. He continues, “ You should take the trouble to in­ form yourself on some of the common facts that PROVE evolution, as well as to learn how to interpret the Bible according to modern views.” Too bad that Mr. Bryan’s education has been so neglected that he doesn’t even know the “ common facts” about evolution­ ary teaching! There is little danger of anyone* being credited with “ educa­ tion” until he becomes an .avowed Dar- winite. Terrible Pessimism! Clinton O. Howard addressed the Northern Baptist Convention concern­ ing the World Peace Commission, of which he is chairman. He should be branded at once as a hopeless pessimist for he said that “ the world is trembling on the brink of a disaster which will make the world war seem like a tem­ pest in a teapot. The war deepened hatreds, and unless a means of settling disputes by law and reason is found, the wdrld will be destroyed.”


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