King's Business - 1922-10

1071 to let alone. He says that several of his friends who did a little investigat­ ing in Spiritualism became unsettled mentally as' well as spiritually. He says that Sir Conan’s teachings are a blow at morals. We notice that Mr. Doyle recently apologized for the low mental­ ities of many of the mediums. He says they are like messenger boys who de­ liver telegrams, and that we should npt “ treat them disdainfully or contemn their messages, as they are'a very nec­ essary part of the spiritual machinery.” Just why sjich a low quality of human beings are chosen to serve as the only means of communication between suf­ fering mortals and the spirits in the next world, when there are so many high-minded and trustworthy people, is one of the mysteries that Sir Doyle does not clear up. Sunday Afternoon Shows Someone sends us a program of a certain Methodist church, from which we cull the following: “ Our pleasant Sunday afternoon platform presents a great variety of programs with no two alike. Last Sunday a talented group of artists kept an audience that filled the church in a delighted mood for an hour and a half. Mr. Thomas in ‘The Tramp and His Dog’ and ‘A Little Red Ribbon’ was an entertainment in him­ self.” Some pastors seem to find that a little jazz, vaudeville and comedy serve to tone up the churcn consider­ ably. New Type of Church Hymn Arrives We have wondered much of late what would become of most of the church hymn books when evolution really got hold of the laymen. Al­ ready the liberal hymn is making its appearance. Here is an evolution hymn that was recently sung in a Minneap­ olis church: The one life thrilled the stardust through, In nebulous masses whirled, Until, globed like a drop of dew,

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S hath the Son.’ ” This is the new Chris­ tianity— “He that behaveth himself hath life.” Still People Swaljow It! We read much about “ spirit photo­ graphs” which scientifically prove the doctrines of spiritualism. A British society of conjurers some months ago appointed a committee to investigate carefully the processes of photograph­ ing beings from the other world. Their report has been published and in part follows: “ A number of the members of the committee started the inquiry with preconceived notions in favor of supernatural photography. With the evidence before them, none of them thinks so today.” “ Collectively, the result of the tests was damning,” says the report. Plates cunningly prepared were found to have been substituted for the places handed to the medium by.the committee; the absence of the secret marks on the committee’s plates showing up the fraud. An intensely agitated 'scene followed the exposure,” is the comment of the report. Is it not amazing how readily people allow The Cleveland Academy of Medicine issues the charge that when a Christian Science practitioner was recently on trial there for practicing medicine with­ out a license, Christian Scientists kept the daily papers from making any ref­ erence to the case in the court reports. “ Only suspicion and disrespect can he cultivated in the popular mind,” says the report, “ when it is known that Christian Scientists take such pains to suppress legitimate news concerning their own church.” Some of us knew long ago something of the power of those “ absent treatments” which are themselves to he victimized? Power of Mind over Editors

given the newspaper editors. Doyleism—A Blow at Morals

Edwin Markham, the poet, says of Conan Doyle’s “ new religion” that it is one of the best things in the world—-

(See Page 1025)

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