King's Business - 1922-10

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temporary pastor of a Baptist church at Starlight, Pa. The field is a needy one and she would appreciate your prayers. Miss Yun Yu Zah, ’22, has gone to San Francisco, where she w ill w ork for a time among the Chinese girls at the Presby­ terian rescue home. F. Ernest Diem, ’21, and Walter Hun- richs expected to sail from New Y ork on July 29th, for Paraguay, under the I. S. A. M. U. . Harry O. Anderson, ’15, writes from Gil­ more City, Iowa: “We. are in the opening days of a gracious revival in this city. Already God’s gracious presence nas been manifested. W ill return to the Pacific Coast about September 1st. Have open engagements for the fall.” B. Ross Evans, ’21, w rites: ‘ W e cer­ tainly thank God for the great task He has given us here in Portland at the Fourth United Brethren Church. W e jia v e had difficulties in many different ways but God is givin g us the victory. We start the excavation for a new church building July 1. Rom. 8-:28 is our stand­ by. W e ask your prayers that we may ever be faithful. Leman C. Robie, ’18, writes, saying: “W e closed a three weeks tent meeting in Nelson, N. Y., with the greatest visita­ tion of Jesus by pow er o f the H oly Ghost I ever witnessed. Time and again altars were overflow ing w ith seekers. The church was flooded with H is power and the town stirred from center to circum ­ ference. Men and women of an classes moved, praise God. God is m oving hefe in Scott, N. Y., in even a greater way.” Mr. and Mrs. D. Parke Lantz, '19, write from Pehuaho, F. C. O., Argentina: “We have been kept busy with the Spanish language study and helping as w e can in the daily duties o f a foreign mission work. W e find that there is a splendid opportunity to spread the Gospel by hav­ ing native Christians go from house to house reading the W ord in the language of the people, and we covet your prayers for this department of the work, mat God w ill bless the efforts to the saving o f ttiany precious souls. The devil has been aroused and through the priests is trying to intimidate the poor people so that they w ill not read the rliterature nor attend the Gospel services, but we thank God that our Captain has never lost a battle. We are thankful for these trials as they are the means o f bringing us closer to Him Who has promised never to leave nor forsake His own.” Kenneth W. Powlison, ’16, w rites from Toracari, Charcas, Bolivia: “Mrs. Pow lison and I wish to bring to our many friends and readers of the K ing’s Business the news of the birth of a fine little baby boy, named Lloyd Robert, on April 1st, here in our home in Toracari. This bless­ ing was follow ed by a strange experience in my own life, for I was put in prison in San Pedro shortly after this and was kept unlaw fully and unjustly for three weeks. I was released in answer to many prayers and was joined to my fam ily and

STUDENTS—Kindly communicate with Miss Eifreda Stein, B. I. the conpiler of these notes.

It is' to be remembered that the B ib le• Institute conducts a Correspondence School as well as a Day School and an Evening School. F ifty certificates have been'issued during the year to those com ­ pleting correspondence courses, as fo l­ low s: Fundamental Doctrines o f Chris­ tianity, by Dr. Torrey, 23; L ife and Teach­ ings o f our Lord, b y Dr. Torrey, 8; Through the Old Testament b y Books and Chapters, by Mr. Hunter, 2; Personal Evangelism and Practical W ork, by Mr. Horton, 8; Through the Bible in a Year, b y Mr. Pike, 7; Bible Beginners’ Course, by Mr. Brooks, 2. These courses are prov­ ing to be, a means o f untold blessing to many. W ord comes of the death o f Walter Eaton, M9, at Ontario, N. Y. H is cousin, Leman C. Robie, writes of his wonderful influence among young people wherever he Went, and also of his glorious testi­ mony fo r the Lord during his illness. Douglas M. Cameron, Dec., ’19, and Avola May Newberry were married at Portland, Oregon, June 19th. They are making their temporary home in Seattle. Theodore Nickel, ’21, was married on July 6th to Miss Neta Wiens. Tneir home is at Reedley, Calif. Miss Matilda Heinrichs, ’21, and A. N. Willems, ’20, were married at Reedley, Calif., June 20th. Miss Geraldine W ilson, ’21, and Herbert Wahl, ’21, were united in mar.riage' on June 30th at Denver. Miss Salome Lugibihl, ’22, and Albert Neufeld, ’19, were married at the Bible In­ stitute on June 24th. Claude H. Pearson, ’21, and Miss Syl- venia M. Fox, ’22, were united in mar­ riage on August 3rd. Miss Loretta Hobson, who has been one of the music instructors at the Institute during the past year, was married on June 27th to Mr. Elmer Gandy. A little girl, Laura Jean, came to the home o f Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Vroman in Bolivia on May 17th. A fter a sojourn here of a little less than eight months, Jean, the baby daugh­ ter o f Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pearce, o f Los Angeles, -was taken to be with Christ on August 2nd. “He doeth all things well.” Miss Em ily Messenger, w h o ‘ has h e ld , the position o f Assistant Superintendent., of Women during part of the year, is re­ turning to A frica under the A frica In ­ land Mission. Miss Marion Chidsey, ’22, .a graduate of the Evening School, sailed for Guatemela on July 13th, to engage in mission work. Howard B. W ithers has accepted a call to- the pastorate o f a church in Rushville, New York. - . Miss Mildred Nichols, ’20, is acting as

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