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CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Colacem Canada’s cement plant project for L’Orignal required an Environmental Impact Assessment to go forward, but Champlain Township has noticed a discrepancy. Champlain Township council rejected a zoning change back in 2017 that was requi- red to build the cement plant, adhering to the community’s opinion that such a plant was not wanted. The United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) approved Colacem’s SFRVFTUGPSBDIBOHFUPUIF0GàDJBM1MBOUIBU would allow the cement plant operation. The case ended up with a ruling by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) that allows Colacem Canada to go ahead with its project. As part of the planning process, Colacem had to get an environmental impact assess- ment for the plant, which went through and allowed the company to continue with its QSPKFDUQMBOOJOH0O4FQUFNCFS $IBN - plain Township council held an in-camera meeting during which council members approved a resolution to ask the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks rescind this assessment and do a new one. “[I hope] That the new study will show exactly what the truth will be in regard to noise, because the study was only done on the cement plant side of the operation not JODMVEJOHUIFRVBSSZuTBJE.BZPS/PSNBOE 3JPQFMi5IFSFBSFEFàOJUFMZTPNFOVNCFST missing.” The township argues that the initial as- sessment only looked at the environmental impact of the concrete plant itself, not the impact of the plant and the quarry combined. Quarry activity would have to increase to meet the demands of the proposed plant, and so the combined impact could be more than either the quarry or the plant on their own. The request for a new assessment was drafted and sent to David Paccini, minister of environment, conservation and parks, on September 21. It was also sent to Premier %PVH'PSE .1'SBODJT%SPVJO .11"NBOEB AVIS D’INTERRUPTION D’ÉLECTRICITÉ TRAVAUX DE MAINTENANCE EFFECTUÉS PAR HYDRO ONE DATE: DIMANCHE LE 24 OCTOBRE 2021 HEURE: ENTRE 8H ET 14H L’EST DE LA VILLE INCLUANT LA ROUTE 17, SUBIRA UNE INTERRUPTION AFIN DE PERMETTRE D’EFFECTUER CES TRAVAUX. Vous référer à la carte ci-jointe pour connaitre les secteurs ROUGE ET MAUVE touchés. Il est à noter qu’Hydro Hawkesbury profitera également de cette interruption pour exécuter TRAVAUX DE MAINTENANCE ET INSPECTIONS ANNUELLES.
Les habitants de la région s’inquiètent du projet de cimenterie à L’Orignal, qui entraînerait une augmentation de la pollution sonore, des embouteillages et d’autres problèmes pour les résidents voisins. -photo d›archive
Simard, and the other seven municipalities in the UCPR. “I have not, no,” said Mayor Riopel, when asked if he had heard anything back yet from 1BDDJOJ 'PSE %SPVJO PS4JNBSE )FBMTP hasn’t heard back from any of the UCPR municipalities, but he expects news from them soon.
limestone quarry a few kilometres away from the village, and constructing a concrete plant is a logical step for operation expansion. This XPVMENFBONPSFIFBWZWFIJDMFUSBGàDBOE blasting in the area, along with erection of a 410-foot-tall smokestack that could affect the viewscape.
“They’ve just received their letters after UIFJSNPOUIMZNFFUJOH TP*UIJOL0DUPCFSXJMM be very busy for them,” he said. “I expect some news in that regards sometime in 0DUPCFSu 3FTJEFOUT PG -0SJHOBM IBWF PQQPTFE the construction of Colacem’s proposed cement plant for years. The company has a
850, rue Tupper Street, Hawkesbury, On K6A 3S7 T 613-632-6689• F 613-632-8603
THE EAST AREA OF THE TOWN OF HAWKESBURY INCLUDING HWY 17 WILL UNDERGO AN INTERRUPTION IN ORDER TO PERFORM THIS WORK. Please see the map here to know the RED AND PURPLE area affected by the outage. Please note that Hydro Hawkesbury will benefit from this outage to perform some MAINTENANCE WORK AND ANNUAL INSPECTIONS.
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