Oklahoma County CJAC Annual Report (FY2020-21)

OCDC FY22 GOALS • Eliminate Triple Celling

• Establish Employee Advisory Committee Improve retention and job satisfaction. • Grow & Enhance Training Program Enhance current training and add additional training opportunities. • Create Programs & Opportunities for the Detainees of OCDC To give the detainee the opportunity to participate in life changing programs, such as recovery, educational and self-help/self-maintenance, leaving the OCDC a better person than when they arrived. • Excellent Stewardship of all funds entrusted to the OCCJA Allocate available resources so that every department and OCDC employee has the tools to do his/her job successfully. • Establish Annual Review Mechanism for OCDC Policies through the Policy Coordinator 787, 44%

House only two detainees per cell, minimize unusable cells, reduce inmate assaults/deaths, reduce damage to cells. • Improve Safety and Security Address assaults on staff and detainees, enhance proactive and preventative procedure to decrease use of force, and promote the wellbeing of staff and detainees. • Develop a more efficient intake, release and walk-through process Refine booking and releasing process to maximize efficiency. • Increase Staffing Levels Enhance recruitment and onboarding process. 787, 44%

787, 44%

732, 43%

Jail Classification Levels, FY21 1 yr. Avg.

180, 11%

Jail Classification Levels, FY21 1 yr. Avg.

cation Levels, FY21 1 yr. Avg.

Minimum security


180, 11%

Minimum security

Medium security


180, 11%

Minimum security

Medium security

Maximum security

787, 44%

732, 43%

787, 44%

CONCLUSION With the third full fiscal year of the CJAC in the books, CJAC continues to respond to the changing landscape Minimum security

in the county’s criminal justice system. Numerous signs of progress are currently evident, while more resources and innovations are on the horizon. The formidable and constant task of expanding justice in Oklahoma County cannot delay or rest. Maximum security 732, 43%

Medium security

732, 43%


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