Facebook Group Posts Maggie Marriott & Overarching Purpose

Investigation Officer Constable Ingle Bairnsdale Police Operation Tidewatch

go for Breach #12 27 Sept

sent Brian email with the title go get help for your mental state before everything is destroyed the email contained a picture which Brian believes the respondent knows causes him agitation. soft laughter so glad, I’m sorry .Brian told me (laughter) he warned me right from the beginning never tear paper in front of him...so that's why I did that one

What were you trying to establish by sending that email?

that he needs to get help, he needs to get help for his mental health issues which are significant

Did you know it would cause him a bit of stress to see that based on his previous

I don't ….not to cause stress but to try to get thru to him that I’m the closest person to him, that I know that he needs help and... I’m Brian made a fake FB profile using my details last year and theres one post on this.. he used

the name Donna Adelaide which is my, is sort of like a. I use it as my admin assistant. Its a fake admin name. Makes me look as though I’m a bigger company than I am. I used it for very long time, anyway he made a fake profile with Donna Adelaide and there one post and its about mental health issues and its about Bi Polar. My husband and Brian have been putting it around that I suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar and mental health issues and so Brian in emails and text messages and in business meetings has been saying that I suffer from these problems. And the one post on this fake FB profile is about Bipolar and so actually followed the link to the article and all the things listed there are what Brian suffers from, so I know I’m the only person, I am the closest person to him, I know him better than anybody else and what I've been trying to do is to get him to understand I don't feel antagonism I only feel sympathy for him. I don't feel hate sort anything against him. Because I know its my husband caused this and so I just want him to get back to reality. But I don't think it will ever happen. hes too far gone

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