King's Business - 1949-01

T , HE things which

are impussible with men are pussible with God. 9?

Dr. L. T. Talbot

FOUR YEARS OF BLESSING Number of • i’aS’aS’a P a i’aP „ , Students 300 Students

in order to experience eternal life. No one is born in this world a Chris­ tian. We all enter as sinners and all in­ dividually need to accept Christ. How­ ever, sometimes people are saved when very young and cannot identify the day and hour in which they became children of God. That is not so important if they know for certain that they have received Him, and that their sins are forgiven for His name’s sake. Is there any spiritual or prophetic sig­ nificance to the Pyramids of Egypt? No, I do not believe there is. The study of the measurements of the Pyramids is interesting from a scientific standpoint, but to teach that God has placed any of His secrets in things like that is utter nonsense. We have a Book from God, the Bible, which contains the plan of God for the ages, and if we want light on future events, we can find it there. How can it be that Satan, who was once an angel of God, is eternally lost, and a Christian who believes, as you teach, is eternally saved? There is no connection between these two things. Satan was never saved as we are. He is a created angelic being, not a man. He was given an import­ ant position as a guardian of the throne of God, but the pride in his heart overcame him and he plotted God’s over­ throw. So God cast him out, and there is no doubt at all about his future. He is to be confined forever in the lake of fire. God has not provided any salvation for fallen angels. But, through the death of Jesus on the cross, the salvation of sin­ ners who will accept Him as their per­ sonal Saviour is assured forever. EUROPE ’ S ORPHANS AND DESTITUTE CHILDREN need food, clothing:, and orphaqagies. The EU­ ROPEAN CHRISTIAN MISSION can reach many of them. through its orphanage in France and its workers in Holland* Czecho­ slovakia* Italy, and Germany. Give generously that we may establish additional orphanages* feed and clothe many helpless children* and lead them to Christ. Send gifts to: EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN MISSION or Europe’s Orphans and Destitute Children 1101 East 35th St. 32 Roxborough St. E Brooklyn 10* N.Y. Toronto 5* Ont.* Can.

Some people say it does not make-any difference what you believe just so you are sincere. Is that right? I would say that it is possible to be 100% sincere and yet to be lost. Be­ ing sincere is never sufficient for salva­ tion! The Hottentots, the head-hunters, the Moslems, are utterly sincere, but that' is not an indication that they are right. The classic example of this, of course, is the Apostle Paul who believed that Christ was an imposter, and that all believers were fanatics, until Christ met him on the Damascus road and his life and mind were changed. He was sincere, but wrong, before his conversion; he was sincere, and right, afterwards. Someone said to me, “I’d like to be a Christian but I don’t care to go to church.” What is the answer to that problem? This person is confusing two entirely different things. It is true that some are saved in the church, and others outside of the church. It is Christ alone that saves and not any organization or any church. But after a man is saved, and has become a real Christian, you can’t keep him away from church. He wants to go where he can have fellowship with God’s people, and where he can worship the Lord. But the matter of salvation is separate and apart from church attend­ ance. You can be saved as you listen to the gospel on the .radio, in your own home, or in an open field . . . any place where God meets your heart. You must acknowledge that you are a sinner and you must receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. After that, the- matter of going to church will take care of itself, for that is where you will de­ sire to be. 7 have a friend who insists that he has always been a Christian, for he was reared in a Christian home. Does he need anything more than that? Yes, he does. He needs to he saved. It is a wonderful thing to be born in a Christian home and to be taught the Word of God from infancy, but your father’s or mother’s salvation is not suf­ ficient for you. The Word of God is clear in its teaching that “ all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” and that “ ye must be born again”


1948 Number of Buildings

5 Buildings j4jdAAAAA7 Bui,dins



1 Campus for 2 Schools

Grounds 1944

oo itti

2 Separate Schools eachwith aseparate campus



Faculty 1944




Budget 1944

$50,000 X f &$><§><§>§>fa™-00 Each student pays $2S0 annually (only half the cost of his education) in tuition and fees. Divinity School students pay no tuition. Every year the College must raise $200 more for each college student and more than $400 for each Divinity School student to provide the proper training for these earnest volunteers for the mission field and the ministry.' GORDON COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY AND MISSIONS T. Leonard Lewis, Th.D., President Evans Way Boston 15, Mass.

Gordon College of Theology andMissions Dept T Evans Way Boston 15, Mass. Please send a Gordon catalog to:





State Founded in 1889 by Adoniram Judson Gordon

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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