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THE SIN OF EVIL SPEAK ING (Continued from Page 1U)
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The Admonition Make no exception to this rule. Be done with the whole pestilential business of censoriousness except on God’s terms! How many people are in the house of God who make themselves guilty of this sin and like Miriam are smitten with some kind of spiritual leprosy! Notice that injury followed to her own soul and to that of Aaron. It eanpot be otherwise with evil speakers in the congregation. Notice the great compassion of Moses when he dealt with Miriam and Aaron. He was so concerned for Miriam that he prayed for her, “Heal her now, 0 God, I beseech thee.” He so undertook on her behalf that God intervened in order that He might give to Moses the answer to his prayer. The attack had been made on Moses personally, and apparently it was a very personal matter. “ That woman,”—his own wife—that was the occasion for the controversy, yet Moses said no word concerning himself, not once did -he even try to defend himself. He left it to the Lord to defeat their purpose, to side track their machinations, and to cause his righteousness to shine like the sun and to be brought out in the light of clear day. When it concerns oneself, “who is angry at a slander makes it true” is the old ^saying. So it is your business and mine when we are spoken against to “ rejoice and be exceeding glad” in that day, if it comes from the world; but, in case it comes from our fellow Christians, to have a meek and a quiet spirit and to pray to God that He may rule and overrule and that He may bring out our righteousness as the light and cause it to shine like the day. In your own life, how do you react toward slander? Is your tongue a consecrated tongue? Leprosy was a symbol of death itself. Leprosy- was indicative o f loathsome ness; and oh, how loathsome in the sight of God is the talebearer, the slanderer, and the evil speaker! God help you that your speech may be pure, seasoned with salt, full of grace and truth, and that your prayer each day may be, “ Lord, set a watch upon my lips, keep the door of my mouth, grant that my words may be few.” If you can keep your tongue, friend, you can keep just about everything else! “He that ruleth his spirit [is greater] than he that taketh a city.” God grant that in your own home you may instruct your children always to be chaste in speech, always to be re strained, always to be self-controlled, and to have the mind of Christ in all that they say and do, that they and all the memhers of their bodies may be yielded entirely unto Him. J A N U A R Y , I 9 4 9
IF you believe that God’s Word is LIVING and POWERFUL—— IF you believe that world evangelization is the most urgent task of the Church of Jesus Christ—■ IF you desire to help personally in that task— here are two effective ways in which you may share in this great enterprise! Î, Order a supply of Pocket Testaments te distribute personally. 2. Send a gift to enable us to distribute FREE Testaments and Gospels in your behalf. Every week brings requests from groups worth helping. We can supply their needs with your help. Have you seen our Quarterly bulletin? It Is yours free for the asking.
J EW I SH M I S S I ONAR I E S PLEAD FOR DA I L Y BREAD AND T RAC T S Mr. J. E. in U. S. Yiddish and Hebrew tracts and food for his family and those he contacts.
military occupation zone of Germany writes: “Please let me tell you about my difficult situation, and I hope with God’s and your help to find a way out of our misery. My family and I are Jew ish refugees from Po land. We lost our home and all our posses sions. Only our lives
Still another Hebrew Christian from Ger many says: “In view of our missionary work in Hamburg we would feel desolate without your help. For it is so difficult to preach the love of God to people who are hungry and with clothing threadbare. It is hard to tell mothers that God loves their children who are so weak and undernourished. Therefore we are most grateful for the precious gifts you send us and which are joyously accepted by the needy Jews at our Gospel meetings.” We implore you, dear Christian reader, to remember these brave Hebrew Christian mis sionaries and ' other Hebrew Christian sur vivors in devastated Europe. They have lost everything and depend on us to help sustain them by our prayers and gifts. $5.00 will pay for a nutritious food parcel. $10.00 will pay for a big CARE food parcel. $10.00 will support an orphan child for a month. A folder of “News Letters from Hebrew Christians in Europe” sent on request.
Rev. Jacob Peltz
were saved by a miracle of God. I am work ing here as missionary to the Jews without any financial support. Please help me to give daily bread to my family.” Another missionary expresses unbounded gratitude for the food and clothing packages we sent him and reports of his Gospel preach ing amongst the Jews in the Displaced Per sons Camps of Wilhelmshaven, Emden and Bergen Belsen. He pleads with us to send him
Address gifts and communications to: The International Hebrew Christian Alliance U. S. A. Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., Secretary Canada 4919 N. Albany Ave. ' 1 Dept. K 91 Bellevue Ave. I Chicago 25, Illinois ^ ' ' Toronto, Ontario « Page Seventeen
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