King's Business - 1949-01

G i s t ,he L e s s o n ^ f \ l 9 4 9 By R.A.TORREY Insist on the ORIGINAL. Forty- \ nine years’ supremacy. Never \1 \ equalled. Condensed thought. Di- \l \ gest and text of lesson. Full ex- Vl position. Other features. Cloth Bound 60 i Postpaid F. H. REVELL CO., 158-5th Ave., New York 10

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God’s church is composed of true be­ lievers only — those who are saved by grace, redeemed by the blood, and born of God. The visible church which is di­ vided into many groups is composed of believers and unbelievers; saved and un­ saved; children of God and children of the devil. That church will never be united for it does not contain the ele­ ments of cohesion. A united church must be composed of Spirit-led men and wom­ en who honor Christ Jesus, believe the Word of God and desire to see men saved. God can and will speak through such a group and through none other. Gifts of the Spirit Are Not to Be Confounded with Natural Gifts Eph. 4:11 Enthusiasm) earnestness, organization, programs, plans, and zealous endeavors do not necessarily indicate the presence and power of the Spirit of God. Our les­ son refers to the work -of the Spirit in the church. It does not refer to religious flesh in action nor moral issues expound­ ed. The Spirit’s gifts exalt Christ Jesus, magnify the Scriptures, and tell the truth about the needs of man. These gifts produce spiritual life in the hearts and lives of those who accept the min­ istry. Gifts of the Spirit Manifest His Presence Eph. 6:18 Perspiration is not to be confused with inspiration. Noise and activity are not substitutes for the quiet, heart-searching work of the Spirit of God. The Spirit reveals to us our inability and insuffi­ ciency while at the same time clearly revealing the power and adequate pro­ vision that comes from heaven. The

Spirit leads to prayer, to self-efface­ ment, and to zeal for the glory of God. The Spirit opens the Scriptures and makes the Bible ultimately supreme in the practices of the church. The Spirit makes spiritual people who bring spir­ itual blessings to others. Gifts of the Spirit Produce Spiritual Results Eph. 5:18 Methods and modes may produce order but the presence of the Spirit convicts of sin, reveals man’s ruin, and makes known the value of Calvary. The Spirit does not minister platitudes, but rather conviction of heart. The Spirit makes sin to be exceedingly sinful, and enables men to weigh every matter in the light of eternity. The Spirit leads to spiritual songs and conquering faith in the Word of God. The Spirit leads to separation from the world unto the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Gifts of the Spirit Are for All When the Spirit speaks in and through the church, it is for all people of every class. He gives comfort to the sorrowing, and conviction of sin to the sinner. He brings light to those who sit in darkness and life to those who are dead in sin. He reproves the young and sustains the old. He has milk for the babes and meat for the adults. His min­ istry is always through the Scripture and is always for all who are present. He gives food to the hungry soul. He warns the lost. He calls the Christian to consecration and calls the lost to sal­ vation. the Body Eph. 4:13

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February 13, 1949 HAS OUR NATION A CASTE SYSTEM? Gal. 3:26-29: Acts 10:9-18: 34. 35

tells the dramatic story of Westmont College.

Yes, our nation does have a caste sys­ tem. There are religious groups who live to themselves and there are labor groups who plan only for themselves. The mil­ lionaires are exclusive in their society

and the gamblers associate together. God, however, divides all the world into just two groups. There are the saved and the lost; those who are alive' to God and those who are dead to God—those





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