King's Business - 1949-01

knit together in the work of salvation. All others have diversified programs. God Calls for Separation 2 Cor. 6:17 Man’s program is amalgamation but God’s program is separation and segre­ gation. The Christian is in the world but not of it. He is here to bring Christ to it, not to obtain blessing from it. He is here to die to it, not to live for it. The Christian is a pilgrim and a stran­ ger in the earth. He seeks to bring a blessing while passing through, but is not in the business of trying to clean it up. The Saviour was “ separate from sinners.” The Christian is to keep him­ self “unspotted from the world” while serving to the fullest capacity. God Provides Unity Only in Christ Eph. 1:10 When Christ is the center, then those who love Him are drawn to Him and thus, to one another. The ambition of the Christian is to glorify God and exalt Christ under the leading of the Spirit. Non-Christians have their own ambitions with diverse plans and sundry programs. Men’s organizations exist for their own pleasure and profit. God’s church exists for the manifestation of God’s plan and program for men. The church is a sep­ arate institution entirely, and is not to be occupied with nor influenced by human plans and programs. Christ. Their aim and object seems to be to get more and then more. The dol­ lar clouds the vision of the lowly Man of Calvary. The needs o f the poor, the heart cry of the orphan, receives a wee bit of attention, and the sobs of the heathen receive practically none. Riches and poverty never go hand in hand in fellowship. The 'poor want what the rich have and the rich want none of the poor around them. It is this interminable strife that promotes the rise of com­ munism. Unsaved Men Rule in Social Life 1 Cor. 1:20 Those who move in educational circles find it difficult to mingle with the untu­ tored and uncouth. Those whose lives are occupied with the whirl of society have no time for those who by drudgery and toil work to support their families. These groups do not and cannot be in­ termingled. However, when those in either group find Christ, they sit to­ gether at the Lord’s Table and fellow­ ship in worship. They love one another and care for the welfare of one another. They serve together, hound by a sympa­ thetic cord. Apart from grace, this could never be. Unsaved Men Rule in Religion Eph. 6:12 Throughout our great country we find Catholic leaders who worship Mary and give blind allegiance to the Pope above all others. There can he no fellowship

on the way to heaven and those on the way to hell—those who are children of God and those who are children of the devil. Only these two groups appear in the sacred Scriptures. God Sets Dividing Lines Acts 17:26 It does not seem ever to have been God’s plan for races to mingle. The yellow man should live in his own do­ minion and the black man in his. The brown man should occupy his own coun­ try and the white man his own country. There cannot be a happy intermingling of races and certainly it does not have God’s blessing. No scheme nor plan has ever yet been found whereby there can be a congenial and profitable inter-rela­ tionship between those who are opposite. All our schemes cannot and will not pro­ duce inter-racial harmony. God Requires Service to All 1 Cor. 9:27 We are to serve all but we camnot have fellowship with all. The doctor serves the leper colony but holds him­ self aloof. The chaplain serves the pris­ oners but lives a separated life. The Christian ministers to the needs of all the needy, but has fellowship only with those in the family of God. Castes are formed around ideas, purposes, and plans. Christians belong to the family of God and therefore may have their hearts There is no safety outside of Christ. Unsaved men have perverted minds, cruel hearts, and selfish purposes. Each group insists upon its own rights and demands its own requests. Only Chris­ tians who know the blessed experience of a new life in Christ Jesus can live together happily with diversities of opin­ ions. The Christian suffers long and submits to oppression. He “ suffers long and is kind,” is not “ puffed up,” and is not “easily provoked.” The unsaved de­ mand even by force that they receive what they desire. Unsaved Men Rule in Labor Eph. 6:5 There can be no unity of thought be­ tween the laboring man and the capital­ ist for the aim of each is opposed to the other. Neither one is intent upon honor­ ing God in his business and serving as a servant of God. Each one wants all he can get from the other, and for as little remuneration as possible. What each one considers to be right is on a different level. Each one is thinking of his own interests in terms of dollars rather than in terms of spiritual values. They can be united in their attitudes and plans only in the atmosphere of the Word of God, the leading of the Spirit, and the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.. Unsaved Men Rule in Finance 1 Cor. 1:26 No* many of the world’s rich men are interested in the claims of Jesus

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