whatever between such men and the de-honor the Scripture as the Word of God. voted followers of the Man of Calvary.There are leaders in false religions of In the Council of Churches, we find menmany kinds who must of necessity be who deny the veracity and the inspira-completely cut off from the fellowship tion of the Scriptures. There can be no >' those who honor Jesus Christ and fellowship between them and tho^e wholove His Word. February 27, 1949 LET BROTHERHOOD PREVAIL! 2 Pet. 1:5-8; Rom. 12:9-21
There can be no brotherhood whatever in this world of wickedness except a brotherhood of the children of the devil among themselves, and a brotherhood of Christians among themselves. The pro gram for the present day seems to be that the enemies of God are laying aside their differences and uniting under the leadership of an anti-christ who is yet to appear. Christians also in many places are laying aside their differences to unite under the leadership of the Holy Spirit in a path of separation from the world. Christians Are Not Related to The believer is God’s friend. The un believer is God’s enemy. The believer has life from God; the unbeliever is dead in his sins. The Christian is on his way to heaven. The ungodly are on the way to hell. The believer seeks to believe God; the unbeliever seeks his own interests. The Christian believes and obeys the Word of God. The unsaved have no in terest in what God says. These two are incompatible. They cannot be brothers. It is true that there is a charitable min istry which may ba performed by each one, and all should seek the good of others. This is accomplished, however, as a matter of service and not as a matter of fellowship. A Brotherhood Must Be Established on Common Faith Eph. 4:5 The Christian believes that God’s path is best while the man of the world decries and rejects it. The Christian seeks the courts of heaven while the the Ungodly 2 Cor. 6:14
ungodly have no regard for God’s will. The Christian has faith in the Word of God while the man of the world relies wholly on his own wits and wisdom. There is no common meeting ground between these groups. The one has the gospel of God while the other has a social gospel of soap, soup, and sunshine. A Brotherhood Must Be Established on Common Purposes 1 Cor. 1:10 . The plan of the ungodly ends in the grave while the purpose of the Christian continues on into eternity. The unsaved desire only human welfare in this life, while the Christian remembers that there is another life to come. The plans of the unsaved revolve around their own personal and class interests, while the Christian cares .for the welfare of all in every'class. The ungodly plan no rem edy for sin, but the Christian seeks to find and to apply God’s remedy for man’s iniquity. A Brotherhood Must Be Established on Relationship 1 Cor. 1:27 Relationship to God brings about a true brotherhood. God’s children love one another when they are Spirit-led. God’s people are interested in God’s things while the people of the world are inter ested only in world affairs. Commun ism is selfishness in its unadulterated state. The leaders hold absolute rule and the subjects are in absolute subjection. Roman Catholicism presents ’ the same situation. The leaders rule with preci sion and cruelty. The subjects are abject slaves to them. Only in Christ do we find liberty and true brotherhood.
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I t IVas h ap p en in g on— JANUARY 1, 1810 Napoleon I was Emperor of France, George III reigned over England and James Madison was President of the United States. The contributions these men made to the history of the world were great, but how in significant compared to the Word of God— man’s comfort and salvation through the ages.
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