King's Business - 1949-01

sinners to have dinner at his home. When the scribes and Pharisees saw Jesus eating with publicans and sinners, they said, “How is it that he [Jesus] eateth . . . with publicans and sinners?” When the Saviour heard their question, He said, “ They that are whole [well] have no need of the physician, but they that are sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Upon a Sabbath day, the Lord Jesus and His disciples walked through some corn fields. As they walked, the disciples plucked ears of corn. The critical Phar­ isees complained that the disciples were breaking the Old Testament law. The Lord replied with an Old Testament story and then said, “ The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore, the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.” The Son of God was friendly to all even when some people criticized Him for it. Criticism never caused the Lord to change His mind or to do that which was displeasing to His Father. Paul told the early Christians to “ be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.” Only His strength and the wisdom given us by the Holy Spirit can cause us, like our Saviour, to be true to God and to stand firm for those things which honor Him.

February 13, 1949 FACING CHALLENGE AND OPPOSITION Mark 2:3-8, Pointers on the Lesson

16, 17; 3:1-6 souls of those who need the Saviour. Compare 2:27, 28. The Sabbath was made for man’s welfare. What, on the Sabbath or any other day, could do more for his welfare than the healing touch of the Son of God?

When doing the work of the Lord op­ position may be expected. Jesus found it so in His ministry. In His healing and teaching ministry, as well as in His saving ministry, there were always those present who were bent on exhibiting a critical spirit. The followers of the Lord have no reason to expect different treat­ ment. Opposition to Jesus’ Forgiving Power (Mark 2:3-8) A wonderful picture presents itself to view iii this story. First, there is a help­ less man. This suggests the condition of all men apart from the salvation of Christ. Second, there were four men who brought the sick man to Jesus. They suggest the supreme business of all Christians. It is their business to bring the needy to Christ. How wonderful it would be if four men who know the Lord would go after every lost man in the community! The church would soon experience such an influx of new life that amazement and incomparable growth would be the result. Third, the sick man was brought into the presence of Jesus. That is where every unsaved man must come if he is to be helped. And, fourth, Jesus hon­ ored the faith of those who brought the sick man to Him. He still will honor such faith. Believers ought to claim more of the unsaved for Christ. But no sooner had Jesus spoken about His willingness to forgive the needy man than the scribes began to question His ability to forgive. They denied His deity. They sought to make of Christ no more than a man. Such critics are abroad today. But Christ is God; therefore, He can forgive the sinner. Opposition to Jesus’ Associations (Mark 2:16, 17) The scribes and Pharisees raised a voice against His eating with publicans and sinners. They seemed scarcely to realize that they were sinners them­ selves. They were filled with the pride of their race and position and failed to realize the true nature of Christ’s min­ istry. He came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). His association on this occasion was not that of fellowship but in order to save. His followers today have a responsibility to mingle among sinners for the same purpose. Opposition to Sabbath Ministry (Mark 3:1-6) In the account of these verses, Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath. He was criticised for breaking the Sabbath. Some folks are a great deal more concerned about keeping forms and ceremonies than they are in leading a soul to Christ. We may learn from this passage that any day is a good day to minister to the J A N U A R Y , I 9 4 9

Helps for the Children Jesus Stands Firm Mark 2:14-17, 23-28

Memory Verse: “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Eph. 6 : 10 ). The Son of God was always seeking ways to help others to know God and to be His servants. Several times we read of wonderful things that happened as “Jesus passed by.” One day “ as he passed by” Jesus saw Levi (or Matthew) at his work as a tax collector. When the Saviour said, “ Follow me,” Matthew arose and fol­ lowed Him. Do you not wonder what a look there was upon the Lord Jesus’ face and how He said those two words to cause a man to leave his work and follow at once? Matthew invited the Saviour and His disciples and many of his friends who were publicans and

CLOSELY GRADED Comprehensive Coverage of the Bible Through Lessons Prepared for Each A g e L e v e l ★ CHRIST CENTERED ★ MODERN IN METHODS ★ ALL BIBLE and ALL OF THE BIBLE ★ SCIENTIFIC ★ NOT DATED The purpose of this fine Sunday School lesson series is to present the .Gospel of Christ

to each grade level and give a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible. There is no waste of material because lessons are not dated. Use ^

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left-over books next year with a new class.

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^'Attractive Folder of detailed informa­ tion outlining the content of Gospel Light Series of Sunday School Lessons.

0 $ !^ * * General Sunday School Catalog THE GOSPEL LIGHT PRESS 1443-A No. Vine Street, Hollywood 28, Calif. Page Twenty-five

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