February 27, 1949 STANDARDS FOR KINGDOM CITIZENS Matt. 5:1-12; 7:24-27
FAVORITE HYMNS / ¿ à ? ABC NETWORK COAST TO COAST •EVERY TUESDAY MORNING Presented by CLUB ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CO.—Chicogo 14, IB. We’llHelpYou TO RA I S E M O N E Y I f YOUR CHURCH OR CLUB needs funds for worthwhile pur poses, use our generous coopera tive plan to raise the cash. There’s no easier way of earning money for charitable or similar uses than by selling Gottschalk’s Metal Sponges. H ousew ives know about, need, want— will buy from you — these grand little cleaning, and scouring helps which lighten their labors. You’ll be amazed at the quick, easy profits. Write to day for full information—Metal Sponge Sales Corporation, 3650 North 10th St., Philadelphia 40. Gottschalk’s M ETAL S P O N G E S J
lives are built upon shifting sand. Our hope is .built' either upon the Solid Rock, Christ Jesus, or upon the sand of self-righteousness. Let us each one be sure we can sing from the heart “ On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand!”
Pointers on the Lesson Matthew’s Gospel is definitely the Gos pel of the Kingdom. John the Baptist came preaching “ the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (3:2). Jesus, Himself the King, took up the proclamation of the Baptist and said, “ Repent: for the king dom of heaven is at hand” (4:17). Theex- pression “kingdom of heaven” occurs only in Matthew’s Gospel where it is found 32 times. The word “kingdom” is met with 55 times. Much in the book points to Christ as the royal “ son of David,” the latter phrase occurring 7 times in the book. It is reasonable to suppose that the King would present in due time the laws or principles which should govern His subjects. These we have in the so- called Sermon on the Mount. These prin ciples were not given to show men how to be saved. They were meant for those who were already saved—“ His disciples” (w . 1, 2). Neither were they primarily for the church. The church was not yet established. These rules or regulations were mainly the code of laws for the Kingdom of Heaven which though now rejected will one day be fully established when Jesus comes again. Of course, many of these laws contain principles which are just as applicable today as they will be when the King is on His throne. The best test of their present- day applicability is to see if they are referred to in the epistles, which in most cases they are. Characteristics of Kingdom Citizens (Matt. 5:3-12) The writer once saw the Sermon on the Mount written so that by a varied shading of the words the text set forth the face of Christ. He was made then to contemplate the fact that Christ only is the perfect fulfillment of the sublime words of this sermon, and those who are His subjects ought to be like Him. They are a “ blessed” or “happy” people be- *cause humble (v. 3), sorry for sin (v. 4), surrendered (v. 5), lovers of righteous ness (v. 6), merciful (v. 7), lovers of peace (v. 8), and sharers of Christ’s sufferings (vv. 9-12). Surely every one today who professes to be a follower of Christ should possess these character istics even as all will when the King rules in His coming Kingdom. Contrast Between Kingdom Citizens and Others (Matt. 7:24-27) In the day of Christ’s coming it will be evident that some have a mere empty profession of faith in Him (w . 21-23). Because of their unbelief they will not be heirs of the Kingdom. But there is practical teaching for this dispensation also for there are niany today who call upon His name in a professional sort of way but who are not really His. They are not upon the Rock. Their J A N U A R Y , I 9 4 9
Helps for the Children Jesus at Work Matthew 5:1, 2a, 43-47
Memory Verse: “He went about . . . teaching in their synagogues, and preach ing the gospel of the kingdom” (Matt. 4:23). ■The Lord Jesus, God’s Son, had only three years to do the work for which He had come to the earth. Sometimes He talked with one or two people about God; times He talked to a multitude of people about His Father. We read sev eral times of Jesus teaching the multi tude for an entire day as they were seated upon the grassy slope of a moun tain side. Jesus talked much about God’s love and about how God expects us to act toward others. Matthew tells us many of the things that the Lord Jesus said one day as He preached upon a mountain side. Rather than telling the people to love their neighbors and to hate their enemies, Jesus told them to love their enemies and to do good to those who hated them. Those who were not Christians loved their friends, but Christians were to go farther than this and loye and pray for those who did evil to them. The Saviour ended this part of His sermon by saying, “ Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Only those in whose hearts the Son of God lives can obey these command ments found in the “ Sermon on the Mount.” Daily reading of God’s Word and frequent prayer in our Lord’s name will enable Christians to follow these new laws of love which the Lord Jesus gave to us. When our love is guided by His love, others will want to know Him too.
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