King's Business - 1949-01

excellent Theophilus, That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou has been instructed” (Luke 1:3, 4). John was the beloved disciple and in John 20:31 he télls us why he wrote the Gospel of John, “ But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believ­ ing ye might have life through his name.” In each case the writers of the Gos­ pels heralded Jesus as the Son of God and the Saviour of the world. Object: A piece of paper 8% x ll inches, or larger if visibility requires. (On one side of the paper draw as large a circle as possible. Above the circle print “JESUS” and below it “ CHRIST.” In the circle draw a triangle with sides 2 inches long. Print the names of the Trinity, respectively, on each side of the triangle. Fold the paper in half, making the size 5%x8^ inches. With the fold to your left, draw as large a circle as possible, and print “JESUS” above and “ CHRIST” below the circle. Draw a tri­ angle inside the circle the same size as before. Do not put the names of the Trinity around the triangle. Inside the triangle paste a copy of Hoffman’s Head of Christ. Below the triangle print the word “MAN.” Fold the paper again, making the size 4%x5%, and with the fold to the left, proceed as previously. Paste the picture of the Boy Jesus in­ side the triangle, and print the word “ BOY” below the triangle. Fold the pa­ per again, making the size 4%x2%, and proceed as before. Paste a baby picture depicting Christ in the triangle and print “ BABY” beneath. To begin the lesson open the paper showing the full size on which the names of the Trinity appear.) Jan. 16, 1949 K nowing A bout G rowing

Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

heart, but notice what it says on the back of it, “ GO IN PEACE RECEIV­ ING.” what happened to Simeon, for we read, “ Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation” (Luke 2:28-30). This is what happens to all those who come to Christ in faith believing and receiving Him as Saviour—they depart in peace.

Jem. 2, 1949 B elieving and R eceiving

Objects: Two unused correspondence envelopes, 2 paper hearts and a pair of scissors. (Cut down both sides and across the bottom of one of the envelopes. Dis­ card the irregular half of the envelope, keeping the complete side which bears the flap. Insert this side and flap in the uncut envelope with the gummed por­ tion in the normal position for sealing.

Jan. 9, 1949 M en and M essages

Object: A piece of paper 8% x ll inches. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of % inch. In this space print the word, “ GOSPELS.” Open the flaps, and using the letters in the word “ GOSPELS,” complete the following words, “ GODLY, APOSTLES, INSPIRED, PENNED, LETTERS, HERALDING, CHRIST.” )

Print the words, “ COME IN FAITH BELIEVING,” on both hearts. On the back of one print, “ GO.IN PEACE RE­ CEIVING.” Place this last heart be­ tween the flaps of the envelope and seal them together. On the back of the en­ velope print the word “ COME,” and on the front the word “ GO.” ) Lesson: On the back of this envelope we find the word “ COME.” Some won­ derful truths are associated with this word in the Bible. One of these times was when Simeon came to the temple. We read of him, “And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. And he came by the Spirit into the temple” (Luke 2:25-27). Here is a heart representing Simeon, on which is written, “ COME IN FAITH BELIEVING.” This is the only writing on the heart. He came in this attitude to the temple, expecting to see the little Lord Jesus. We will put this heart in the envelope marked “ COME” and seal it. When we turn the envelope over, we see the word “ GO.” If we open the en­ velope, perhaps we shall see how Simeon left the temple. (Cut the end off the envelope, blow open the back compart­ ment and remove the heart. Squeeze the envelope to keep this compartment open and show the audience.) Look, all the envelope apparently has in it is this Page Twenty-eight



Lesson: In my hand I hold a piece of paper on which the word “ GOSPELS” is printed. When we see this word, it reminds us of the first four books of the New Testament, and the four follow­ ers of Christ whom God used to write the books. Many people have asked why there were four Gospels. The reason for them is that each man was inspired to write differently about the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps if we open the flaps of this paper we shall be able to better under­ stand the Gospels. We now read, “ GOD­ LY APOSTLES, INSPIRED, PENNED LETTERS HERALDING CHRIST.” The writers were apostles. They were godly men, inspired by the Spirit of God to write the Gospels. By the word in­ spired, we mean that God told them ex­ actly what to write. Luke was a doctor and, introducing the Gospel of Luke, he wrote, “ It seemed good to me also, having had perfect un­ derstanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most

Lesson: We have a piece of paper with a large circle and a triangle inside. The circle is endless, suggesting eternity which never ends. Around the triangle we read, “ FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT.” I shall fold the paper, in order that we may learn some very important truths about our Lord Jesus Christ. We now see a smaller circle in which the triangle appears with a baby’s picture in it. As we think of the Baby Jesus, we must not forget the circle which speaks of His being eternal and the T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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