King's Business - 1949-01

I’m so glad we still have true funda­ mental preachers and teachers of the Word, and the messages from the maga­ zine do help, me very much. My husband likes the straightforwardness of your articles. The Sunday School helps are fine. I use them each week in preparing my lessons. Oftentimes articles from your miscellaneous pages are used in prayer services or mission meetings. Mrs. J. Lesley Brewer Washburn, Maine I regret very much that the page enti­ tled “ Miscellanea” has been omitted, and am wondering if it is going to be printed again. I hope so; I get so much good from it myself, then I pass quite a num­ ber of them to our pastor for the -church calendar, so they are quite widely read. Mrs. Susie Jordan Bangor , Maine Your magazine fills a definite place in my reading, since I have found no other periodical which gives both Bible expo­ sition by well-informed people and cur­ rent news about God’s kingdom. Then your advertisers supply information which may not be found elsewhere. Charles W. Peck’ Moscow, Idaho . W O M E N AT THE BAR O NE of the saddest and assuredly the ugliest social spectacles of city life nowadays is the dark and dingy cocktail bar where at almost any hour of busi­ ness the clientele is largely feminine and unescorted. The female bar fly, as this type of customer is described by other habitués, has in fact become a standard character in the modern saloon. If these women, who comprise a wide range of classes and conditions, were to hear the appraisals of them that are current among the knowing and con­ temptuous barkeeps, the male drinkers, the hangers-on, the touts and wily va­ grants who infest these places; if these women should see themselves as these characters see them, they would run home in tears, with an intolerable sense of besmirchment and shame. Indeed, it is a pity they do not hear those things while it is yet time to change their habits. They handle dynamite without recog­ nizing it. Something is needed to bring that knowledge to them; in the plainest and sometimes the most brutal terms. For, if this promiscuous and continued drinking in saloons continues much long­ er, too many mothers and wives and sisters to whom society looks for refuge and sanity and health in an age of moral laxity, will instead become derelicts, meriting at the worst disgust and at the best pity. A cleanup is drastically needed, and those who shrink from the word pro­ hibition will do well to remove from the social scene one of the most potent arguments for that very thing.—Edi­ torial, Los Angeles Examiner, January 2, 1947. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


% READER $ REACT ION Better and Better Truly The King’s Business grows bet­ ter and better, full of truths of highest spiritual value. Could anything be more concise and clear than the article on “ The True Church” ? After reading it, I had to rest and assimilate it. Like the “ little book,” I ate it up. Mrs. Eunice L. Winslow Los Angeles IS, Calif. Just a brief note of appreciation for your kindness in sending me three copies of your grand magazine. I shall look for­ ward to the day when subscriptions can be sent to you in the ordinary way. J. Tetchner Ilford, Essex, England Believes in Tithing Received that wonderful copy with Mrs. Daisy Monroe’s article. Have been blessed by it. Thanks a million! May His blessing be ever yours. A. L. Bloemker Winnetka, III. Makes Good Use of Each Issue We thoroughly enjoy every copy and want to give it to friends, both saved and unsaved. How we need such Chris­ tian literature! Mrs. George M. Heller New Orleans 18, La. Good for a Quarter Century For twenty-six years I have been a subscriber to your splendid magazine. God has greatly used it to bless my per­ sonal life, and in my work as a minister of the Southern Presbyterian Church. W. G. Somerville Cross HUl, So. Carolina Thank you most kindly for continuing to send me The King’s Business which I greatly appreciate. All its articles and features are good and inspiring. The article by Dr. Orr is one of the finest sermons I ever heard or read. A. D. MacDonald Edmonton, Canada It is helpful in my Sunday School class. Sarah S. Hart San Francisco, Calif. More On Tithing The September issue contains an arti­ cle on Tithing written by Mrs. Daisy Monroe, which I especially want. Wish it could be had in leaflet form, so it could be given to more Christians. Most of us have never trusted God to the extent that this splendid woman has been do­ ing. So many Christians think they can­ not even tithe because of small incomes, sickness, etc. Mrs. E. R. Decker Deckerville, Mich. I do get so very much that is good from every page of the magazine/- espe­ cially from Dr. Talbot’s Question Box. Mrs. Fannie Shifflet Delano , California

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