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Below, showing group of Christian Chileans at a 2-day Bible Institute recently held in Chilian. A t right, the god Hanuman being built into the front of a new house in Cawnpore, India. Inset, the devoted pastor of iglesia Santismo Trinidad and President of Chile National Presbytery, Santiago.
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‘"He came with some other young fellows,” an earnest missionary writes, “ and stayed behind that night after they left. He had come to us before. W e had given him a Gospel of John, and each time he came he had ques- tions about a chapter he had been studying, or, I should say, memoriz ing—**for he would amaze us with his quotations. “ That night he was asking cjues' tions about the tenth chapter of John. In the midst of it, without a word of appeal from us, he suddenly said: T d like to be one of His sheep.' Although the way of salvation had been explained to him before, we now went over it again with him
very carefully to make sure he un derstood. W e also wanted to be certain he fully comprehended what it means to yield all to Christ, and stand true, regardless of what comes, in ridicule or persecution. “ I was beginning to fear that the boy would lose heart; but he still affirmed earnestly that he wanted to take Christ regardless of what he might be called upon to face. Then we kneeled down; and I wish I could have written indelibly on my mem ory his prayer, for it certainly was a model for anyone accepting Christ. Truly he had been taught of the Holy Spirit. W e were so happy that night we could scarcely sleep.”
The Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions was organ - ized in 1933 and chartered “ift 1934 for the specific purpose of establishing and conducting "truly Biblical. missions among all nations.” To date, we have established eleven missions with one more projected— one or more on every continent of the world save Australia. As of December, 1947, the Board had 66 welbequipped workers under appointment for the various fields. If you are loyal to " the whole Gospel” till He comes, we invite you to share our ministry by prayer, by life service, or in whatever manner our Lord may direct. Address the General Secretary.
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Philadelphia 44, Pa., U.S.A.
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